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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2009
Reaction score
I just bought this program and I only see the hardness of the recipe, but not the cleansing value. Is it the same or?

I had trouble with that transition, too. I think fluffy lather correlates to cleansing value. What I did is create a recipe on SoapCalc with the values that I liked, then I set that recipe as the benchmark in Soapmaker.

It is much easier to tweak a recipe in Soapmaker because you can see the characteristics of the soap change on the chart as you change ingredients. But I still find that once I am happy with a recipe in Soapmaker, I plug it into SoapCalc to check the values. I also like the printout from SoapCalc because I weigh all my ingredients (including water) in grams, and for some reason Soapmaker lists the water in oz.

That being said, I love the program!
I hadn't even thought about the cleansing factor in SM3. Now that you mention it, it isn't there. But, I have always had a great bar when I create a recipe and compare it to the benchmark graph. I am sure the cleansing value is somehow factored into the program and am not worried enough to use multiple places to check my recipe.
yeah i loooove this program, I do everything in grams just cause Im super precise... most of my batches are improvements on older batches... I love it though, well worth what I paid for it :) now if I could just get some more $$ for ingredients Id be set ! :)
jarvan said:
I hadn't even thought about the cleansing factor in SM3. Now that you mention it, it isn't there. But, I have always had a great bar when I create a recipe and compare it to the benchmark graph. I am sure the cleansing value is somehow factored into the program and am not worried enough to use multiple places to check my recipe.

Me too, although I think we can pay too much attention to numbers that really have no meaning. Example: 100% Coconut with a lye discount of 20% shows as a low 2 for Moisturising and it is brilliant in that dept and has an abundance of both creamy and bubbly lather. :wink:

You'll get used to it Maria and you'll wonder how you ever managed without SoapMaker3. :D
Thank you all so much, I have a recipe that is the same as the bencmark that I am going to try and tweak from that.. thank you again.

Discount on software

I thought I saw a post with an offer for Soapmaker software at a discount for forum members? but I have searched with no luck. Please let me know if anyone is aware of a discount on the software as I'm thinking of buying it.

For any of those types of questions I would ask Woodi, shes awesome and her and her husband is the developer for the software!

They may have discounts running from time to time, Personally I would buy it (and did) at full price even if there arent any discounts available. I cant say enough about this program... its awesome :)
Thanks, maybe they will be along and notice my post lol.....I am definitely gonna buy it but with the holiday thing's are tight right now and If I can save even a small % it would be helpful.
Euphoric said:
Thanks, maybe they will be along and notice my post lol.....I am definitely gonna buy it but with the holiday thing's are tight right now and If I can save even a small % it would be helpful.

:) no worries :)