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Dec 13, 2010
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I look at soaps everywhere I go and they are hard I just want hard sudsy soaps would someone give me a great recipe please :)
Hardness: Lard, Tallow, Palm
Sudsy: Coconut oil, Castor Oil

You're already selling your bars. It sounds like you need to take a step back and experiment with soap recipes and find one that really works for you. While you can find many recipes here and all over the internet, they might not be what YOU are looking for. Experimenting is what you need to do. Lots of test batches. Get comfortable with
you should play with Soapcalc

It's not the end all be all in terms of telling you every last quality of your soap to the nth degree, but you can get a pretty good idea. Start with something simple with 4 or so ingredients.

You could try something like

CO 25%
Lard 23%
Palm 23%
OO 25%
Castor 4%

and you'll get a pretty hard bar with good lather. Make a 2 pound batch and let it age a bit and try it. Then mess around with the percentages and other ingredients until you find what you like best.

Good LUck!
MrsJones said:
Gee, I'd scamper right over to the Dish Forum and ask those ladies to give me recipe. After all, you want to sell the best soap possible.
Did I miss something?
lsg said:
Did I miss something?

Snark. While I often love a good snark-fest, this forum seems like the last place I would see it in. More mature responses usually get better results from what I've seen here. I do get where the snark is coming from though, some frustrating questions to read....
MrsJones said:
Gee, I'd scamper right over to the Dish Forum and ask those ladies to give me recipe. After all, you want to sell the best soap possible.

I looked at all of drtysoap's posts and although some of the questions are things they could have searched for, I see nothing that indicates she's selling soap.

Posts like this are what turn me off of forums.
JackiK said:
I looked at all of drtysoap's posts and although some of the questions are things they could have searched for, I see nothing that indicates she's selling soap.

Posts like this are what turn me off of forums.

Her site is linked on her post with the "www" button.
just to be fair, she is selling MP soaps, and is looking for a CP recipe.
I don't know if she wants to move into making CP soaps to sell once she is ready or if she is just branching out creatively or what, but neither does anyone else. be nice. :)
Thanks krissy. Some of them look like CP, some a mix and some MP. If they're all MP that makes more sense.
MrsJones said:
Gee, I'd scamper right over to the Dish Forum and ask those ladies to give me recipe. After all, you want to sell the best soap possible.


ETA... this should have come with a spew alert!

My two bubbles worth... I had a friend that made soap the first time and it was technically perfect... I know a soapmaker that had 6 yrs experience and her soap was crap... I know a soaper that makes only one recipe with different variations and that is all she sells... And she sells A LOT... I think sandy maines book has only one basic recipe in it... ... Don't let anyone tell you what to do... who has the right to judge hidden behind a veil of words... Has anyone here tried your soap??? You asked for help and advice politely and respectfully and deserved to be given an answer with respect and dignity... That is how you learn...

I make a basic three pound batch and one of my most popular sellers was 80% olive and 20% coconut... hard, conditioning, and good lather... It was a winner.... A great all around base ... another popular one was 1 pound coconut and 2 pounds olive... That was great too... I superfat to about 5%... I normally don't post recipes but these I have sold and they are real winners... ... let it go through a solid gel and cut when cool... they will have a nice translucent look... try them... have fun... give a long cure and I dont think you will be disappointed.. Try first a few times... I had a sign that said we proudly animal test... Just ask our friends and family... I also have a general rule... I use a bar or a representative sample before I sell from a batch... Practice Safe Soap! Blessings... (oops I cant spell)
a good reference

I had a sick passion that was to collect soapmaking books... A great reference and an old time favorite was The Soapmakers Companion by Susan Miller Cavitch as a starting point.... spend some time in the library or bookstore and rummage around ... But get your information from a representative sample and try try try... Always double check a recipe on the soap calculator... and always do a test batch.... or two.... Never mix oatmeal with Gardenia FO, it smells like dog poop... lolol... you'll pick up lots of tips and hints along the way... Remember... Gardenia fragrance oil and Oatmeal is a NO NO!!! Unless you want to make a dog poop soap! lolol Good Luck
won't comment on the search for a recipe, i guess i can understand that...

but i can't not comment on the misspellings on the website... are they purposeful because it's DRTY soap? Unusual (Unusal) and Beautifully (Beautifly are misspelled...

and those soaps are definitely CP.
Northland Naturals said:
won't comment on the search for a recipe, i guess i can understand that...

but i can't not comment on the misspellings on the website... are they purposeful because it's DRTY soap? Unusual (Unusal) and Beautifully (Beautifly are misspelled...

and those soaps are definitely CP.
Maybe the OP buys premade soap bases. Anyway, they just asked for a hard, sudsy bar recipe. So what? I cannot for the life of me understand the sarcastic comments. Sarcasm doesn't really accomplish anything except to cause hard feelings and alienation. It is a bigger turn off for new members and people who are browsing the forum than questions asked by someone looking for information.
I think what is galling to some is that the poster gives the impression (true or not), that s/he isn't willing to put forth the effort to search for the information, as well as the possibility that s/he just wants the recipe to sell without doing the testing and research so many of you all do who sell your soaps. The way the question was asked kind of rubbed me the wrong way, and I don't sell anything. If more information about why s/he was asking the question was given, it might come across better.

I did a search on other posts by the member, and the one's I found all could be construed as wanting information to help their soap business, without contributing to the community in any way. Give and take makes the world go 'round. And this shows my age, but I am turned off when posts look like text-speak.

The people on this forum have given me lots of great advice, and I hope I return the favor.
Northland Naturals said:
won't comment on the search for a recipe, i guess i can understand that...
Great, it's already been covered, methinks.
But just why could you not leave the misspellings alone?
And she states right on the site that she uses bases - and they look like it to me as well.
On one hand: There is no reason to be mean to anyone.

On the other hand: You would not walk into the coca-cola headquarters & say "I want to make soda, can you give me your best recipe?"

"Will you point meto your favorite book/webite would have been met much more warmly."
WOW...there was a discussion a few days ago about questions on the forum that the "seasoned" soapers felt like the "newbies" were asking questions that they could have easily research and that they were not taking the time prior to asking questions.

I am probably going to take a hit for this but the level of rudeness on the forum lately has surprised me. Some of the people act like people are supposed to come in tell you their life story and then ask a question. This is a forum for information sharing and if don't want to share, then don't respond. I understand that sometimes answering the same questions can be frustrating but you have to remember, some of these people are not only new to soapmaking but to the forum. They probably don't even realize that they can check the search bar for previous discussions. To be honest, I found it to be confusing.

To go out and check someone's website and post the spelling errors is just outright mean and more mature!

I honestly like the information and knowledge I have gained from this forum but the sarcasim and rudeness lately has really gotten out of hand. Can we tone it down a bit?
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