Soap ingredients for Cystic Acne, and ecema??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2008
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Northern NM
My sister just asked me to try and make something for her teenage son who has cystic acne. My first thought is my plain gm/sb soap, and/or my green clay facial bar with gm/sb base, rosemary eo, tea tree eo, and lavender eo, . If I make him something else what suggestions do you have for additives like eo's, clay, charcoal, oil selection, gm vs water in lye solution. In researching another bar I thought of benton clay, and/or charcoal. Poor thing he also has ecema on his legs, so I thought of my plain gm/sb soap and/or my dead sea mud/dead sea salt scrub bar? Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
as far as the EO's:
Frankincense; brings the skin in balance & purifies
Geranium; balances the production of skin tallow
Sandelwood; anti inflametory & curing
and of course chamomille, & tea tree.
Personally, I'd add bisabolol and vit E (makes comedones less visible)
Maybe his face would get better with the oil cleansing method?

Almond, jojoba & grapeseed oil would all be good for his skin; in the soap or maybe in a balm for his legs.

For the ecema, please, never give him anything scrubby... This will only irritate his skin more. You are thinking in the right way though; it could be very beneficial for him to use dead sea products. Maybe you could make him some bathsalts with EO's & the mud?

Good luck with making something that's just right for him!
If you do HP then you can use some herbs too .. I swear by yarrow, tea tree, and green tea extract.
for the acne Litsea is also recommended and smells yummy (I just made a Tea Tree and Litsea bar and it is like a wake-up-punch in the face)

But whatever works for the acne will sting on the excema. I'd make a very mild bar for that one - something with GM and no FOs or EOs, possibly even get a detergent bar. No tears baby shampoo or something like that.
Sulfur will help both acne and eczema. If you have feed stores nearby, that would be the least expensive source for MSM as it is used in horses too.
My teenage son has/had quite problem skin also. Not quite cycstic acne, more excessive oil, a few pimples and lots of blackheads. I made a soap for him with a 50 percent coconut, 25% palm and 25% olive oil. I used tea tree oil and lavender in it quite liberally, it is a very strong smelling soap. I also used aloe vera juice for half of my water, and at trace I added 100gm of bentonite clay. I let it cure for 4 weeks, and he has been using it ever since. I actually need to get some more clay to make another batch. It is a very effective soap, his skin has cleared up heaps and heaps, and it is not as oily through the day in between washings as it had been. I think that is from the clay, it works as an absorber. I was very proud of this soap and how it has helped his skin. My younger sister also suffers a little bit with acne, and I gave her a bar of this, and now she is begging me for more!!
With the right synergy of ingredients you will find that you can make a soap that will really help him. Cystic acne is quite painful!!
Poor kid, he is lucky to have you to help him!
Just a question with someone with just ecema you would want a soap that does not strip the oils unlike acne soap. Does any one have any ideas for just ecema? I have a friend with a 4 year old with ecema on his legs and she asked me for a gentil soap to make for him. I'm afraid to make a soap thats too strong and thought a castile soap.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My girls have (or shall I say had) exema .. I do close to a pure castille ... about 80 - 85% OO, 10 - 15% CO, and 5 or so % castor. I do it at an 8% lye discount (5 if you're gonna use the dairy mixture described below). If you do it HP, add some calendula extract when it cools a little and you're getting ready to pour. Lavender EO is also great for calming angry skin. I would use yogurt (full fat) and some GM as my liquids. Do half of each (I like fage, a heavy Greek yogurt, but if you can't find it use Stony. whole milk plain yogurt). Mix half yogurt and half gm together with a wire whisk, freeze as you would any other milk mixture and do the same procedures.
Thank you. It seems like eczema is on peoples minds, cause a friend just asked for something for her neice with eczema.
Maria said:
Sulfur will help both acne and eczema. If you have feed stores nearby, that would be the least expensive source for MSM as it is used in horses too.

How would you add sulfur to CP soap? Also, would it smell bad? I remember sulfur smelling like rotten eggs!
You add MSM. You can get it at any health food store and it doesn't smell. When you take it internally, some people smell like garlic through their pores. Some soaps have up to 10% of MSM and it is less expensive to purchase from a feed store than a health food store. At least half the price.
Sulfur, like other minerals, reduces the lather so you might want to adjust your recipe with ingredients that lather more. My first attempt to make MSM soap I didn't do that and it did not lather well at all. The feedback from people with skin conditions was still positive.

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