So apparently it fell apart at EO ...

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Mrs. Bubble

Active Member
Apr 24, 2013
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So I tried making liquid soap for the 1st time. Which I did not enjoy half as much as bar soap I will admit. First off I think my crockpot was too hot and burned the paste but thats neither here nor there. I was surprised by crystal clear soap but I wanted to add smell. I added 1 oz of Basil EO from Essential Depot at the end of the process like while bottling it. Obviously I did something wrong. Here is the before and after. Help!

How much EO to how much diluted soap? That is a LARGE amount of EO. I generally fragrance my liquid soap at like, 2% of the measured weight.

Also, how long after mixing in the EO did you take the picture? Lots of FOs and EOs will cloud the soap when first added but once its had time to settle down, it clears right back up.

Edit: Meant to say that is a large amount of EO, not soap LOL
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I also keep my fragrances and essentials oils at 2% or below of the diluted soap weight. Yes, some can cloud soap and you should test on a very small batch first before adding the fragrance/essential oil to a large quantity of soap. You should also be adding these while the soap is hot and not at room temperature. Fragrances and EO's can also thicken or thin out your soap too. Testing and recording the results is a good idea for future uses. Since many will cloud at first then clear up again, I would let this sit and see what happens.
It was hot and not at room temp. I dont really mind the cloudy just wondered if I had done somthing really wrong. I only added it to one of the 3 bottles. So I will sit and see what happens. Too much sitting and waiting with these soap products haha. Maybe I will warm up one of the other bottles and shoot for 2% with another EO. I am not loving the Basil smell.
Some essential and fragrance oils do cause cloudiness. You might check online for ones that do not cloud.
Yeah I had this problem with my liquid soaps. Some just cloud for awhile. I had some luck with lavender, peppermint, and lemongrass not clouding.
Mmmmm maybe I will try lemongrass. It is my favorite so I use it alot ... I was trying to branch out lol. But I am happy to say that it is actually clearing up from the bottom up! I am so happy. Happy happy happy!

Patience is not my strongest virtue

Sorry to hijack, but the OP might be interested too. In a situation like this where you have a clear soap to begin with and then it clouds with the eo (or maybe even with neutralizing), is there any way to prevent it from clearing again? Wondering because ive had a few that cleared half way or less and then stopped. Clear or cloudy would be fine for me but 1/2 and 1/2 is not.

I am not loving the Basil smell.

Did you ad 1 oz eo to just one bottle of soap? How many oz bottles are they? You could try scenting your other soaps with that one. Try adding 1/2 or 1 oz of the scented soap to another bottle at a time. You might find that you like it after all.
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Oh no bodhi just popped my bubble!! Lol. I agree though, I wouldn't really mind one way or the other but halfway is no good. On a small update - I took the second jar, *accurately* weighed it, warmed it back up on the stove and correctly added 0.4 ounces (2%) to that jar of Lemon Verbena FO from BB and it turned sort of hazy but nothing like the 1st one. I love this FO but hate that it probably has phthalates in it. I like more natural EO. But the basil EO is a little overwhelming plus I put twice as much as I should. Lol. It is a learning process right?!?
There is a product called EZ Pearl which I buy from Voyageur Soap. It does a fantastic job. I prefer LS to be milky looking, it just seems more luxurious somehow...
Oh no bodhi just popped my bubble!! Lol. I agree though, I wouldn't really mind one way or the other but halfway is no good. On a small update - I took the second jar, *accurately* weighed it, warmed it back up on the stove and correctly added 0.4 ounces (2%) to that jar of Lemon Verbena FO from BB and it turned sort of hazy but nothing like the 1st one. I love this FO but hate that it probably has phthalates in it. I like more natural EO. But the basil EO is a little overwhelming plus I put twice as much as I should. Lol. It is a learning process right?!?

Does BB not say if there FO's are phthalate free?
Oh no bodhi just popped my bubble!! Lol. I agree though, I wouldn't really mind one way or the other but halfway is no good. On a small update - I took the second jar, *accurately* weighed it, warmed it back up on the stove and correctly added 0.4 ounces (2%) to that jar of Lemon Verbena FO from BB and it turned sort of hazy but nothing like the 1st one. I love this FO but hate that it probably has phthalates in it. I like more natural EO. But the basil EO is a little overwhelming plus I put twice as much as I should. Lol. It is a learning process right?!?

The soapqueen blog has commented that you can email customer service for Brambleberry's list of phthalate free fragrance oils. I love the smell of lemongrass too!
Oh that list would be wonderful! I just *assumed* ( now you know what that means) that if it were phthalate free that they would advertise that fact everywhere. I usually really try to avoid synthetic fragrances but I LOATHE lavender, tea tree and patchouli so I am severely limited in EO that are affordable. Plus this soap is just for my family so it doesnt have to be pretty or smell a certain way. I would rather it didnt look like milk or smell like burnt soap. Haha. Now off to get that list...
There is a product called EZ Pearl which I buy from Voyageur Soap. It does a fantastic job. I prefer LS to be milky looking, it just seems more luxurious somehow...

I dont like the looks of that but it seems to be made partially from stearic, so i wonder if plain stearic might work? I might give that a try, thank you.
Did you ad 1 oz eo to just one bottle of soap? How many oz bottles are they? You could try scenting your other soaps with that one. Try adding 1/2 or 1 oz of the scented soap to another bottle at a time. You might find that you like it after all.

Yes I did! Yikes and it is gagging me That is a great idea - I will do that. I need to cook it a little to thicken it up some so I may pour this one and one I havent scented together. I think I may be giving away a bottle of basil soon. On the other hand - the lemon verbena one I calculated correctly is almost clear and smells like heaven.
Before you give up on your basil try mixing in some lemon or lime. I love lime & basil. If you still don't like it and you have a large enough amount of basil I would buy it from you. Actually any nice strong citrus will work well with the basil, just go lighter with the basil
So I tried making liquid soap for the 1st time. Which I did not enjoy half as much as bar soap I will admit. First off I think my crockpot was too hot and burned the paste but thats neither here nor there. I was surprised by crystal clear soap but I wanted to add smell. I added 1 oz of Basil EO from Essential Depot at the end of the process like while bottling it. Obviously I did something wrong. Here is the before and after. Help!

Mrs Bubble, by no means am I an expert on doing all things with a computer. But try rotating your pictures in whichever method you have your pictures in.

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