Smelly castor oil

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2009
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I bought 7 lb. jug of castor oil 9 months ago and when I opened the seal it had a bit of an rancid smell, I kept it in the fridge the whole time...
Should I just throw it away or can I use it without spoiling my soaps ,,
What do you guys think?
What a shame. Unfortunately, if it smells rancid now, it won't get any better in your soap. It's not worth it -I'd say toss it. :(
Um, my castor is always stinky, even fresh castor. Do you remember what it smelled like before?
Mine doesn't smell rancid but it smells unpleasant and it's fresh. Don't throw it out yet. 9 months is a long time to store it before using though. Perhaps use it up quickly and order smaller containers in the future? :wink:
Mine has a smell but it's not unpleasant. Castor's shelf life is one year, but we don't know how long your vendor had it stored. I would get some fresh.
Bubbles Galore said:
Mine doesn't smell rancid but it smells unpleasant and it's fresh. Don't throw it out yet. 9 months is a long time to store it before using though. Perhaps use it up quickly and order smaller containers in the future? :wink:

Morning sickness kept me from soaping for 8 months and I bought the jug just before I got pregnant :roll:

I think I will just throw it out..

Thank you for all....
Adema said:
Bubbles Galore said:
Mine doesn't smell rancid but it smells unpleasant and it's fresh. Don't throw it out yet. 9 months is a long time to store it before using though. Perhaps use it up quickly and order smaller containers in the future? :wink:

Morning sickness kept me from soaping for 8 months and I bought the jug just before I got pregnant :roll:

I think I will just throw it out..

Thank you for all....

Ah yes, I remember the joys of morning sickness. :lol: