Slow Moving Recipe?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Upstate SC
Would anyone care to share a tried and true very slow-moving recipe with me? I made one purely by accident a few months ago, and for the life of me I cannot find my notes anywhere.

This recipe won’t have a FO oil, so no worries there.
You want either a high OO recipe (but not pomace OO) or high lard. Since my skin prefers lard over OO, I would suggest something like this:

60% lard
20% CO
20% soft oil or oils of choice

This soap is high on conditioning and low on cleansing, so a 3% SF is more than enough. Optional but recommended: add some sugar to increase lather, and a chelator of choice to reduce soap scum.

Soap cooler - like 100F or lower. Keep the stickblending to a minimum - just to emulsion. Cure at least 4 weeks, but 6 or 8 will be better.

I have tons of working time when I use this recipe in those conditions. Good luck, and remember to show us how it turns out!
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I use a recipe that’s very similar to what @AliOop posted but with slightly more liquid oils, and with tallow subbed in for half of the lard: 25% tallow, 25% lard, 20% or less coconut oil, and the rest liquid oils of choice. It’s slow even with 5% castor and using 40% lye concentration. If I’m switching liquid oils around, I also try to keep the palmitic + stearic fatty acids at 30% of the recipe, which could mean that I need to increase or decrease the lard and/or tallow a little.
I use a recipe that’s very similar to what @AliOop posted but with slightly more liquid oils, and with tallow subbed in for half of the lard: 25% tallow, 25% lard, 20% or less coconut oil, and the rest liquid oils of choice. It’s slow even with 5% castor and using 40% lye concentration. If I’m switching liquid oils around, I also try to keep the palmitic + stearic fatty acids at 30% of the recipe, which could mean that I need to increase or decrease the lard and/or tallow a little.
Can you tell me why you would need to add or decrease the lard or tallow with a higher % ofpalmitic or Stearic? Just curious..
Can you tell me why you would need to add or decrease the lard or tallow with a higher % ofpalmitic or Stearic? Just curious..
Those two numbers combined help with soap longevity.

Have you tried Zany's no-slime castile? That's a slow mover ( because it's high OO). Are you using EOs? Or totally non-fragranced? Some Eos can also cause acceleration.
Can you tell me why you would need to add or decrease the lard or tallow with a higher % ofpalmitic or Stearic? Just curious..
Ditto what @KiwiMoose said. I still use various base hard fats and also occasionally run out of an oil. For my recipes, I've found that I can keep the hand feel and longevity of the soap somewhat comparable across recipes by controlling the fatty acid profile.
Those two numbers combined help with soap longevity.

Have you tried Zany's no-slime castile? That's a slow mover ( because it's high OO). Are you using EOs? Or totally non-fragranced? Some Eos can also cause acceleration.
I have not! I’ll try to find Zanys recipe here. Thank you!

And totally fragrance free. I send soaps once a month to the senior center and they have extremely delicate skin :)