Shave soap questions

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2022
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I am planning on making a shave soap for myself and I have a few questions before I decide to dive in. First, can I make it using NaOH only and skip the KOH, or is the KOH required and what properties does it add?

Second, can I use the cold process method or does it have to be hot process?

Third, I have heard of people using soy wax in place of stearic acid as it has a very high stearic acid content? Could I use beeswax?

Finally, does anyone have any good recipes? Thanks in advance for any and all help!!!
"A dual lye shaving soap uses both Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). The combination creates a “solid” but soft bar of soap that lathers easily with water and a brush. Shave soap is specially formulated for the purpose of creating a bar with thick dense lather that lasts and provides a superior shave experience."

Source: is a dual lye,with water and a brush.
Okay so I have done some research and have decided to go with a dual lye soap using the soy wax as previously mentioned, I figured I could use the rest to make candles. Anyway, still looking for some more info if anyone has experience in making shave soap.