Shampoo Bar - Thanks Lindy!!

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It left my hair unpleasantly squeaky clean and sticky while rinsing, and straw-like as soon as it dried, though.

I found that to be true when I first used this shampoo bar also, but I did the apple cider vinegar rinse for awhile and then my hair seemed to adjust to it. I also used a hair conditioner recipe I found on Bramble Berry because my hair was so dry & brittle.

My 2nd batch of shampoo bars was a bust for my hair, I forgot to change the SF on my calc and ended up with something over 7%, so my hair is left feeling oily/greasy. I use that batch for face or body soap.

My hair dresser says my hair went from dry/brittle to moist and soft quickly and is impressed with the condition my hair is in now. I don't use the ACV now and only the conditioner occasionally and have really soft manageable hair.

So give it some time and see if your hair adjusts like mine did.
I have been using Gennys recipe for about a month now and have mixed results. I think the biggest challenge I have is getting it to rinse out. Last night I lathered in my hands and then rubbed it in my hair instead of rubbing the bar right on my head and notice an improvement. If I rub it directly it seems to leave a greasy feel too once in a while.

I imagine this is just a matter of rinsing and if I did a vinegar rinse this might help?
I swapped out the soy bean for sunflower in this recipe. I've been using it for a week now, and I can't believe how soft my hair is. The last shampoo bar I tried made my hair yucky!
Anna Marie
I will try sunflower next time and see if that helps - thanks!

It isnt every time either, I have used it and my hair has been so soft and manageable for a whole week so that is why I am thinking it might be just a matter of rinsing enough.

Also the body - wow!
About how much EO should I use?

At what point do you add your sugar? And, so you think honey might work instead of sugar?
You can use .5 ounces of EO per pound of oil. Save out a ounce or two of water, dissolve your sugar or honey in that and add it at trace.
I make shampoo bars also and I love the way this recipe looks! I am going to be making this one soon! Thanks for posting the recipe.
I swapped out the soy bean for sunflower in this recipe. I've been using it for a week now, and I can't believe how soft my hair is. The last shampoo bar I tried made my hair yucky!
Anna Marie

I also swapped out the soybean for sunflower just because I like sunflower. I have been using my poo-bar for several months now. My hair is so nice, I don't even need to use any conditioner or an acv rinse.

I hate when I get a hair cut now and have to wash my hair with their shampoo. It feels so greasy and yucky. Thinking of bringing along my poo-bar next time...hee hee
My experience which is probably long and confusing; I used almond instead of the avocado oil otherwise same recipe.

I used this the first time when it was about 2 weeks old because I'd had a perm and was out of my regular shampoo. The result was my perm was curlier and much fuller. It was almost as if I had twice as much hair which is good. Bad was my hair felt gummy. Same after second washing but not as gummy. Third time I skipped the shampoo and did a vinegar rinse which helped but my hair is still gummy. Gross

My regular shampoo is Pantene and research shows this brand has added wax. I don't know if the wax is starting to come off making my hair less heavy and curlier and fuller. The wax might have made my hair clump and slick.

The next 3 washings are at our sons on spring break. He provides us with Pantene but no way am I going to use that junk. I used grand children's Johnson body wash. Better.

Home and the shampoo bar is now a full 4 weeks old. Hair still gummy but not as bad. I'm wondering if people talk about hair adjusting to a shampoo bar when in reality we are getting commercial additives off our hair. A vinegar rinse helps but hair remains gummy but seems less so or I'm getting use to it. On the plus this is the best perm and I have a ton of hair or I'd give up.
My hair is also considerably more curly using shampoo bars. I've always had wavy hair but I would never call it curly, now it is curly. I believe you are right about the gunk in out hair taking time to wash completely out. I've heard some people using baking soda once a week or so to help clarify their hair while making the switch.
Keep up with it, it only gets better:)
Just tried my bar for the first time today! Mine is OO infused with chamomile, calendula, and lemon zest (40%), Avocado (30%), and Jojoba, Castor, and Mango Seed Butter (10% each), 6% superfat, and the water was a tea made from marshmallow root, with a storebought pack each of chamomile and lemon tea.

The first time I did was lather up my hair, and then I let it sit as I did other washings, and rinsed my hair last before getting out of the shower. I also did a citric acid rinse after getting the soap out.

My hair doesn't feel straw-like (it did the times I used a regular bar and my 20%SF coconut bar, and the coconut bar also left my hair with a slight greasiness). It does feel odd... I think that's because I'm simply not used to the way hair feels when it's not stripped clean. It had some tangles while combing, but nowhere near the worst I've dealt with. Overall I think it's a success! :D
I made these about 3 months ago. I just yesterday got around to trying them out. I LOVE THEM. I just can't tell you how much I love the feel they give to my hair. Now, I don't know what my hair is going to be like in a couple of weeks, but for this frizzy curly hair so far, it is wonderful.
The real kicker, Lindy, is that I made 4 batches of liquid shampoo thus far, and have decided that commercial shampoo is better.(and very sad about that) But, I found the shampoo bars that I made for my much travelling family members, and thought I might give them a quick try before giving up on the whole homemade shampoo thing. So, I am actually shocked at how much better the bars work than the liquid! Especially after reading how much people dislike shampoo bars in general. I don't actually know why this is, but I truly do LOVE these shampoo bars.
Susie that is awesome. I find that the shampoo bar more gentle and since you are not adding a huge amount of water you don't need surfactants to make it lather.
I made it 6 weeks ago, I had not tried it yet, it does not give a lot of lather....will try to lather it in my hands then put it on the hair, maybe in 2 or 3 weeks. I keep my fingers cross that it works for me:)) Thank you Lindy:)
I have made a bunch of variations with this recipe and they all rock, thank you so much for sharing! This is now a family favorite shampoo bar and I also did not like shampoo bars previously. I love this forum!
I rubbed the bar straight onto the hair. No pre-lathering required. I did try to lather the bar at 6 weeks with very minimal lather. At 3 months, it is awesome.

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