Scratchy Avocado Soap

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Sep 23, 2009
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I’m hoping someone has the answer to my problem…I think I’m becoming obsessed! I have a problem with scratchy avocado puree. I know, I’m embarrassed…how can this be? I’ve tried to blame it on everything else, but it only happens when I add it to my formula. I've scooped it, mashed it and stick blended and smuched it through a sieve until it feels smooth as silk. Add it to the oils and blend it well. Everything cures fine and then the big reveal… ahghh! Scratchy again. What am I doing wrong? I’ve read everyone’s great threads on this and I must be the only one that can’t do it right! The soap itself is heaven and my skin loves it but bathing with it feels a lot like being sanded. I tried to figure this out on my own and with four batches turning out pretty much the same, I don’t know what else to try. My friends and family that like scratchy are happy. Any thoughts?
when you scrape the flesh out, do you scrape the skin? i find some avocados have this roughness on the inside of the skin that if you scrape, kind of comes off and is scratchy when you eat it. what kind of avocados are you using?
Thanks for the replies…
Skategirl46..This is a simple formula that I have used for years without any problems, so I can’t image formulation is the problem. I know, it’s always possible to make a mistake, but four times in a row? ;) well, maybe with me! The only new addition to this is the avocado puree.

Neeners…you know I been wondering about that. But thought nooo. Could it be? I’ve been using large Haas avocados. And there is a roughness...I just thought...well where is the lye monster when you need him? Shall I give it one more go…being very careful not to scrape down to the peel? Sure, one more time.

Thanks! you guys are the best! Jan
Maybe smoosh it through s finer sieve. I have a tea ball that is super fine and I use it often for straining soap stuff.
Try peeling your avocado manually, not using a knife or spoon. The fruit should pop out from the skin.

The area near the stem can also be a bit more fibrous. You might omit this.

I just stick blend the avocado chunks into my soaping oils until they are smooth and I have never had the scratchies.
..............Skategirl46..This is a simple formula that I have used for years without any problems, so I can’t image formulation is the problem. I know, it’s always possible to make a mistake, but four times in a row? ;) well, maybe with me! The only new addition to this is the avocado puree................

I think Sk8er was after more of an overview - for example if mixing avocado puree will always go funny with ingredients a, b and c, then knowing which ingredients you are combining with the fruit might well help out when people are looking at possible ideas. I don't think there was any suggestion of mistakes on your part.

When you add something new, it's no longer the formula you have used for years - it's now a new formula. Look at a pine tar soap - just adding in something to a previous recipe, but it makes it something totally different.
I'm wondering about your avocados. Are you using the soft, almost mushy ones? If not, it might help to use some that are more ripe. And I agree with TEG. Without knowing exactly what you did, we are just guessing.
Neeners…you know I been wondering about that. But thought nooo. Could it be? I’ve been using large Haas avocados. And there is a roughness...I just thought...well where is the lye monster when you need him? Shall I give it one more go…being very careful not to scrape down to the peel? Sure, one more time.'s that. we have lots of different kinds of avocados where I live, and I've noticed that when they're a wee bit ripe, and the skin is scraped when getting the flesh out, there are obvious rough bits kind of stick on the flesh. when you eat it, it's not very nice in the mouth (think that crunchy rough feeling in your guac......bleh!). I find mostly the avocados with thick, rough skin has more than the finer skinned ones (so your Haas would be a rougher skinned avocado). I think you should try it ONE more time. :D
So, when you add avocado puree to soap, is it independent from the oil measurement and also the lye solution?
So, when you add avocado puree to soap, is it independent from the oil measurement and also the lye solution?

i believe so, yes. you dont need that much anyway... 5% max from total oils..

i've seen others using a lot more though..
Wow lizflowers42 that’s really terrific! I can’t wait to hear how it turns out.

I had no idea that there was so much difference in avocados. After neeners post, I decided I’d better look into a better soaping avocado. The kind we have here are grown in Mexico and are green-black and look a lot like a rough old gator’s back. Inside they’re pretty fibrous. I found some today that I hope will do. The skin is bright green and much smoother. They’re pretty hard so I’ll anxiously wait a couple of days to try them.
can you use 100% avocado puree instead of your liquid the way you can with other pureed fruits/veggies? Or is there a reason to not to with avocado?
I think it's because avocados aren't very juicy, but that's just my guess..... one really knows there are different kinds unless they live somewhere that avocados are grown. Haas are most well known b/c they ship the best. But I prefer some of the other ones (no clue the name....). my favourite avocados to eat have purple skins. mmm
Don't the soaps turn... brown? Or how do you keep them green? I know with guac, I always add fresh lime juice and it keeps it bright green for a few days. Would that or citric acid work to keep the color bright when using them in soap?

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