Scientific Soapmaking is finally for sale

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2007
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You may recall that I was proofreading Dr. Dunn's book Scientific Soapmaking. After much reading through things barely remembered, and many versions, his final version has been published!

I received this email yesterday! Enjoy!

Scientific Soapmaking is now available in paperback at your favorite online retailers. For more information, please visit . For a limited time, and BarnesandNoble,com are offering introductory discounts of more than 20%.

My thanks to all who commented on the draft versions. I hope you enjoy Scientific Soapmaking.

While I've got the many versions I've proofread, I cannot wait for my signed copy.
Respectfully, I have no idea why you were chosen to be a proof reader for this book. We all know you don't know diddley about soap making, chemistry or anything else for that matter :)wink:) ...
The book is great because it really is practical enough to be usable by the layman, yet is technical enough to teach what the heck is going on!

Here's one interesting part, for example, with a more technical bent - but still good information for a soaper to have!

changed my mind - buy the book! Just a chart of the pH of different fatty acids and their salts (as such and in equilibrium as you might find it in a finished soap).