recipe help, first batch

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Nov 12, 2020
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I am in the process of making my recipe for my first batch of soap. It's rather important to me that the ingredients remain sustainable and as natural as is realistic. I'm workshopping this recipe, which has way too much coconut oil. However, I want to avoid raising the olive oil as I'd like curing time to stay under 3 months. Any suggestions for recipe alterations to make my soap kinder to the skin while remaining at a lower cure time? Should I start over and pick a newbie recipe? maybe get over myself and just use crisco? whip me into shape, soap sages
Your bar will be very cleansing as you are using 38% coconut oil. If you are not opposed to using lard, you could reduce the coconut oil to 20-25% and use lard to fill in that percentage.
I think I've figured out the recipe, it's posted over in the recipe forum under First batch recipe pre-attempt feedback. thanks :)