Recipe #3 - Lavender Mint

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Feb 15, 2014
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Well, I think I'm starting to get into the swing of things in the soap making department. The previous 2 batches provided me with enough experience regarding the processing experience alone, that I feel confident with it. definitely will need a more accurate scale though!

So my Second recipe is starting to shape up as a great lathering and cleaning soap(57% tallow, 18% Coconut, 25% Castor, no scent) but it is a little dry, which I dont mind, but with no scent and dryness, my wife to be finds it unappealing.

So comes recipe #3 - Lavender Mint - Coconut was on the higher side, but I'm hoping that the combination of Avocado Oil and 10% superfat will help in the moisturing department. I'm pulling and cutting from the mold tonight. Will add pics and update on scent quality. I hope this is one to be excited about.

Tallow Beef - 53.125 % 8.5oz
Coconut Oil, 76 deg - 21.875% 3.5oz
Castor Oil - 12.500% 2oz
Avocado Oil - 12.500% 2oz
water - 5.44oz
lye - 2.14oz
lye concentration 28.2%
10% superfat
.5oz fragrance(.45oz lavender + .05oz peppermint EOils)estimated ;)

Hardness - 51
Cleansing - 19
conditioning - 44
Bubbly - 30
creamy - 43
iodine - 48
INS - 159
Forgot pictures from the cutting. One thing I can say...HOLY SMOKES! Peppermint EO is potent! I for sure didnt even use .05 oz and it is strong. Hoping it mellows a slight bit so the Lavender becomes a bit more dominant. Soap still smells good though!

How much can I expect the scent to mellow over the next month of curing? Any one with experience with Peppermint?