Pine Tar soap

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2015
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I am so excited about this soap. It's plain but
The color is really quite lovely and the scent has mellowed out -- thank goodness!

50% lard
25% co
10 % oo
15 % PT
5% SF with full water

Anyone have thoughts on the recipe? I haven't done this combo of
Oils before.

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You will have to see how you like it, really, to tell about the recipe. It might be a bit high in CO for some people and if you are planning to use this for skin problems like psoriasis or eczema, dropping the CO down some might be easier on that type of skin- not so cleansing. You could also increase the SF if you like that much CO. Still the ultimate proof is in the washing!

Your soap looks like perfect PT soap. I keep mine plain as well.
No, but Thx for posting it because I've been promising my teen I'd make her some. I agree with newbie, 25% co may be harsh for sensitive skin or rosacea prone skin, but may be ok for super oily skin. For her with teen skin that it is, I'll probably do 22% co.
It all depends on the target audiences skin ailments I suppose.
Psoriasis problems, I'd recommend maybe 12% because of the natural dryness that accompanies it. Maybe even 10%.
Can't wait to do this, Thx for posting yours!!!

Is the scent that bad, I must ask...and did you scent it with any eo or fo??
Thanks, guys! I made this for a couple of oily-skinned teens in the neighborhood. We'll see if they like it.

lionprincess, the stink of the PT is terrible. I felt a little quesy while soaping. I probably will not make it again until it's nice enough to have all the windows open. The soap was born three days ago, and it's already mellowed out into an almost nice earthy scent.

I didn't use any EO, but I've read that a lot of people like to use tea tree or lavender with one.
I've read that with time, approximately a 1 year of shelf life, the coconut oil when added at high %ages gets quite mellow & doesn't strip the skin nearly as much as when freshly cured. Is this true?

I don't know the science behind it, but my one year soaps behave better in general than those that are aged only a few weeks or months.
The smell may depend on your brand of pine tar as well. I use Bickmore. It's strong but not dreadful or anything. I don't find it overpowering or nauseating but it is strong.
I love the colour of your soap. Hope the scent continues to mellow out for you.
Regarding the question about a high % of CO in a soap -- Yes, soap gets milder and can lather better with cure. I wouldn't expect the cure to turn a strong cleansing soap into a baby-chick mild soap, however.
I used the kind made by Farnam. It has a yellow horseshoe on the can. The scent mellows out more each day, so by the time I get to cure, maybe it will be nice.

Part of the problem I had with the odor was I mixed it with water and microwaved it to melt it. next time, I'll soften it in the water just at room temp. I'm very sensitive to scents, so even things that are pleasant for other people can make me quesy.

I was not planning on formulating a PT soap with EO, but now I think the combination could be quite lovely.
I gave this a test run today and feel like this recipe is close to a wonderful soap! The bar is incredibly silky and gives off lots of thick lather.

But, as suggested, it was a bit drying. It's only a week old, though. I Hope it mellows at full cure, but if not, I'm thinking of dropping CO by 5% and adding something else. Any suggestions appreciated....Neem?