Oatmeal milk-glop

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Eden, Utah
This is probably a question for Paul, but need some input. I soaked oats and made an oatmeal milk and added the lye to milk (from one of his posts), which was half of the liquid needed. I add canned GM after the mixture cools, so as to not burn the GM. Problem...

When I combined the lye/oatmeal milk, it instantly sizzled and turned into a thick, glop. I stirred it really well, and when it cooled down, I added GM as usual, though still thick, but better. The lye seemed to be disolved, and I added it to the oils. I added the remainder of the wet oats just after a medium-to-thin trace and a tiny bit of FO. It seemed to gel, but now has a layer of oil on top. I have yet to unmold, but thought this seemed a little strange. Did the same recipe last week, minus the oatmeal and oat milk, using aloe instead and no problem. :?

Still only about eight hours after pour and need to be patient.

I add the oatmeal right after combinding the oils and GM & Honey lye solution. (well, I stir the combination together thoroghly and THEN add in the oatmeal) That has worked great for me.
How about using an "oatmeal milk" for the liquid. When I added the lye to the oatmeal milk, the mixture instantly got super thick and gloppy and sizzled hotter than when I just use aloe juice. Is this normal for oatmilk?

I soaked oats in water and drained the oats to get the "milk", as I was trying to get the goodness from the oats in the water, but adding the actual oats later.

This batch then led to the layer of oil on top, which I had to drain off. Wondering where I went wrong. :?

ETA: Got zapped. :(