nothin' fancy, confetti soap

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
brooksville, al
i'm trying to figure out how to post pics, and since the subject came up about using scraps of left over soapies, I thought i'd share...this is black raspberry vanilla by, which is heavenly @ 1 oz ppo...leftover rose f/o gratings, which made a very nice smelling bar! these bars were just sliced last time I was home & drying on the rack...didn't have time to clean them up, yet.

btw, I suck at picture taking...thanks for looking!

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Looks fantastic! I love how white they are, allows the confetti pieces to really pop out! Reminds me of gum that has the little flavor crystals in them.
thank you for the very kind words! yes, rudy is a blessing to me and a true friend! image shack is working fine, but photo bucket isn't cooperating (yet!) will continue to tinker with it-LOL!

here's a pic of my favorite soap rack, perfect for small spaces...hubby found this behind an out-of business hardware store, brought it home and cleaned & painted it...I lined the wire shelves with plastic craft canvas...that's true love for you when hubby goes dumpster-diving so I can make soap!

btw, you can see the plate of pink soap shreds that I made this soap with.

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Love your confetti soap! My one attempt at it was bad. The colors bled from the confetti into the white part. It was a too-dark alkanet confetti.
Nice soap! now I have another soap to add to my ever growing list of 'have to make' :p
I have found through experience that the best "non-bleeding" colorants are the neon pigments and high-ph micas.
Don't mean to hi-jack your thread but wow that rack is perfect! Did he find any other shelves with it so you can add to it? Also ,where do you get your high-ph micas from? I love the colors of all your soap in your picture but after my mica morph fiasco I've been too paranoid to try any other mica unless it comes recommended/tested.
where do you get your high-ph micas from?

I love the liquid neon pigments from tkb trading, and the sampler pack is a good value...I prefer the premixed as the powder needs to really be mixed well:

the best micas were called "pop" micas, and since they were incredibly wonderful to use, naturally they discontinued them...I used to buy rainbow micas, which is a good substitute for the "pops" from bitter creek north, but now they no longer carry's a link to a member/supplier here in the forum...not sure how much they used, but I usually use 1/2 tsp ppo and get a nice clear pastel.
Thanks Heartsong! I'll give Cosmos micas a try. I have the tbk neon sampler pack and glad I bought it. I bought the sampler pack of micas from tbk and a few have morphed on me.
if there are any other soapers here that have had good luck with other high-ph colorants, please feel free to post them here...this thread is about over anyway, plus i'd appreciate the info, too! perhaps you could include if they bleed or don't?