Not sexed up, but some new soaps anyway!

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surf girl

Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, BC
I really should get out some props and shoot some good Soap Porn... These are just run-of-the-mill pics, but I wanted to share.

This is a soap from a few weeks ago. I was going for a 3-colour swirl, but the green (spirulina) and the yellow (turmeric) didn't come out very bright. It's scented with anise, juniper and ginger. The anise is strongest, but you can detect the "otherness" of the juniper and ginger if you pay attention.

This is yesterday's salt bar. Smells like manuka! I LOVE manuka! I like naming soap, and I am going to call this one "Aotearoa" because it smells like a walk in the New Zealand bush.

And this one was fun. The bottom is made using tomato juice as the liquid. Scent is basil (with some orange 5X and some ginger and some lavender, but it's the basil that comes through most). The top is made using buttermilk as the liquid, with a tablespoon of avocado added at trace. You can see the faint greenness of the avocado; I suspect it will turn to tan, but who knows?

Thanks for taking a peek!
Those soaps are awesome, they don't even need sexed up to look good :)
I love the "naturalness" of your soaps. :) The soap you sent in the swap is one of my favs! (It's the first one I used and is in my shower now!)

Very nice!
Thanks, guys! They were all fun. The anise one overheated, which is what I believe caused the little white specks. Doesn't affect the soap, but isn't as pretty as I'd have liked. I can't wait to try out the salt soap and the buttermilk/tomato/avocado one.

Hey Ashley - thanks re the swap soap. Without giving too much away ('cause some swappers are still waiting for their boxes), I've got to say that your soap's scent is one of my favourites! It reminds me of this AMAZING artesanal shampoo I got in a little hill town in Spain... I could eat that stuff up!

i wish my swirls would come out so nice! nice soaps-love the tomato, too. does the color stay, or fade as it ages? very clever idea!
Surf Girl - another hit or should I say 3! You're swilring is to die for and I love the layered look too & yes I have to agree with Ashley your soap smells wonderful & Ashley your's is also to die for. They're in my drawers making everything smell incredible! They're to nice for me to want to use!
heartsong, it's the first tomato soap I've made, so I'm not sure re the fading. From what I've read, I do think the colour should stay.

I'll try to remember to report back in a few months!