My Two Latest Soaps....

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2008
Reaction score
Newcastle area, NSW, Australia
Hi everyone!

Here are two of my newer soaps, still curing.

This one is Very Vanilla - using BBs Vanilla Select fo which is absolutely yummy! My boys (including my DH) want to eat this ;) DH even asked if I could use the fo to make a dessert....I said no, so he said to do it anyway and he would be the guinea pig!....I'm not going to by the way.....the brown is from the fo and I did the reverse swirl by adding a little bit of TD powder to some of my batter before adding the fo to the rest.


Tiger Eyes soap - I am undecided what to name this one actually. The fo is called tiger eyes and I like that, but I also like Tiger Tiger or Tiger's Eye (as in the gem). I have included cocoa butter and macadamia oil in this as well as using cocoa powder for the dark brown swirl. I left some batter uncoloured and coloured the larger part with paprika extract to get the orangey tone.



Thanks for looking!

Tanya :)
they are beautiful! I love the swirls! They are awesome!

I like tiger eye soap : )
That is some seriously gorgeous soap , love them both but the tiger eye is so unusual , it draws me in .

Oh, thank you Rosey & Kitn! The Tiger Eyes fo is very nice and quite masculine oob. Once in my soap (admittedly I soaped at about 1.5%) it is light and a bit creamy smelling with oriental notes. I think I will increase the amount next time to 2%.

Tanya :)
Love them both but the tiger's eye really stands out. Congrats on some beautiful soaps.
Very pretty. Love the chunkiness of your soaps. I used Tiger Eyes in candles and had bad response. I think it is more of a soap scent. Oriental.
Absolutely gorgeous swirls! The vanilla one is perfect and I love the shimmer to it. I also love the color of the Tiger Eyes (Tiger's Eye) soap. I can't decide which name I like better! I have those colors in my living room! Just gorgeous!!
Topcat, that's a great looking soap, my daughter just saif "wow, look at that, that is awesome" lol I have to agree.
WOW! This makes me want to try to swirl soap! They are beautiful.

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