My Heart Just About Stopped This Morning....our bad economy

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2008
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Well....I just got out of an emergency staff meeting. It looks like we're closing one of our satellite offices. :(

It could have been so much worse, with our economy. I still have a job, although my other half is on a "layoff" waiting week.

Just wanted to send some good vibes to everyone here that we weather this mess and we see a turnaround as quickly as possible.
Really really glad it worked out for you Mike.
Deep Breath.
Somehow, we will all get through this.
News over this side of the pond is all doom and gloom, we (the UK) are officially in recession now, and there's so many job losses, so many companies going to the wall :cry: It's hard to even imagine what out High Streets will look like this time next year :?:
Hope everyone here will be ok.
Me too....and when it gets to this point, it takes a while to turn things around. I fear it's going to be a while before we see an upswing.
Big hugs and best wishes to everyone experiencing the downswing.

I work for the Postal Service as a rural carrier and the rumors keep flying about a layoff. Word is employees with less than 6 years service might be on the chopping block. I've been working for 18 years but only have a year and a half as full time. Sure hope things turn around before it comes to layoffs.
I'm so glad it worked out for you Mike, and am sending good vibes to everyone else.

So far the business I am in has not taken a hit, and we are actually hiring a few people (low level admin jobs, but still jobs!) So I have been very very lucky and grateful for the things I have in my life...
Yikes!! Glad to hear you still have your job.

I got laid off about 6 months ago and still can't find work. :(
my employer has just hired 2 new employees, so here's hoping there's no job loss with my company any time soon.

best wishes goes out to anyone who has lost their jobs.
AshleyR said:
Yikes!! Glad to hear you still have your job.

I got laid off about 6 months ago and still can't find work. :(

Oh Ashley, I'm's such a tough market out there right now.
I can't wait until it's all over with. We've been hit for a 10% pay reduction.Equals out to 2 days mandatory days off. Ends.. we don't know...They hit us again with another $125 deduction yesterday,*Rural Health Insurance.

I've heard rumors that the Tax man will be sending out tax returns late this year.Not sure if it's still going to happen..

When we file our returns on time,and the IRS doesn't...Can we hit them with all the late penalties,and whatever else they would tack on for us lowly tax payers?

I'd love to do it,just because I'm nice like that! ;)


they layed off 175 drivers and about 60 terminal staff the day after christmas. that's a total of about 300 drivers since august.

i used to go home every weekend, but now it's been almost 3 weeks since i've been home.

i'm just grateful to still have my job!

my thoughts and prayers to all of you. may better times come soon!


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