My first two 'tragedies' both in the same batch!

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Nov 16, 2018
Reaction score
Hamilton, New Zealand
So I can't get my regular GW415 soy wax at present, and I've been using a replacement and then that went out of stock too. So tried a new one today called 'S100' All Seasons wax - has anyone else heard of it or tried it? Anyway, let's start with the saga....

It's cold here today, only 10 degrees all day. Blended my lye with the beer ( yes it's a beer soap). Rested it in a cold water bath in the sink so as not to let it overheat.

Melted hard oils ( with new soy wax) and noticed the new wax took longer to melt than my usual one. but still melted ok.

Added beer/lye solution (37 degrees) with oils (46 degrees ) and noticed when mixing that it had a grainy appearance - not like ricing but very very fine. Stearic spots! I thought. It thickened quite quickly and I thought to myself - this is what i imagine a false trace is. Having not used that particular soy wax before I immediately thought that it must have been too cool for it and so I blended the bejeezus out of it to ensure it was both a real trace, and to try and get rid of the stearic spots. I poured off a little into another container for the top which I always colour white.

Then to main pot added a bit of 'red wine' coloured mica which I usually use to boost the colour. The mica did not effect the colour one iota! It was like I'd added a clear liquid. Anyway, didn't want to worry about it given the other factors, so I blended it well enough to mix everything and until it was very thick trace, then poured.

Went back to the little jug and added the TD and stirred the bejeezus out of that, but didn't want to use the blender because it was such a small amount I was worried I would get soap on a stick. I stirred very briskly for ages and ages to ensure it was well blended but it still seemed a little grainy in texture to me. I just thought "oh well - it's the 'head' of the beer so it will look frothy". Poured, textured the top, took the photo (below). And then saw the FO sitting there in its little measuring jug. NEVER in my 2.5 years of soaping have i left out the fragrance oil. However, it was only the portion for the top of the soap ( because the FO discolours so I made a different blend of cedar wood and sweet orange EOs for the top). It won't matter because there is enough FO in the bottom to still small ok - but that fact that i forgot it really irks me!

Anyway, can you all please cross your fingers for me that it doesn't separate? That is my main concern if it was a false trace. I think I blended it well enough not to be, but I don't want to have a separated mess on my hands.

What do i do with the little bit of EO I've measured? Throw it away? I'll try to pour it back into the empty cedarwood bottle but I don't like my chances...


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“What do i do with the little bit of EO I've measured? Throw it away? I'll try to pour it back into the empty cedarwood bottle but I don't like my chances...”

Use a pipette, eye dropper, or similar to transfer it to the empty bottle.
I forgot to add FO once was a really pretty Taiwan Swirl and I was so bummed. 😓
I hope your beer soap turns out ok.
The consistency of the batter looks a little strange. Like halfway melted ice cream with ice crystals.

I googled your wax, and find this: "By hydrogenating a by-product of the soy harvesting process, we’re able to use this thicker and tougher compound to harden and stabilise the natural soy wax resulting in a 100% natural product that performs consistently like any great wax should."Pure Soy S100 | All Seasons Wax Company

So it might be that hydrogenated by-product that is causing some trouble.

Another thing is that the freezing point of the wax is 30 degrees celsius. That might explain the ricing look of the batter since your soaping room was only 10 degrees, and your lye and oils were maybe a little cold as well.

But it hopefully will be the most wonderful soap anyway. Let's hope for the best🙏
Hope it turns out for you, sounds like you've paid extra attention to mixing. As far as EO use a dropper to add back into the empty bottle it came from, if the EO bottle had oil in it I wouldn't add it back but you mention the EO bottle was empty.

I have a basket of Pine Cones that fall off the pine tree I collect' when I have a few drops of EO / FO i'll pour it over the "pinecones" so I get a nice scent as I walk by the basket thats for ever changing, I figured its better then washing it down the drain or trash. 🙌🏼😉
Ugh! I'm so sorry you had such a naughty batch, crossing my fingers for you. One thing I have to say...that TOP though! 😍 Gorgeous swirls !
Crossing my fingers for you! I actually didnt know that sox wax was used in soap; I thought it was for candles, but I see that soy wax can be used in soaps to soften skin. Interesting!