My First Salt Bar Attempt with ???s

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Everyone who has made them seems to love them, so I thought I'd give it a try. :)

95% co, 5% castor with an ocean scent and a medium blue color.
Added a pinch of silk. I used 80% salt and a 20% superfat. ... ps/035.jpg ... ps/029.jpg

I used individual molds to make it easy on myself. :)

I have read that some folks preheat the oven to around 170 , turn it off and then put the mold inside overnight.

Other folks keep it in the oven at 170 for 30 minutes.

Some add salt and other ingredients at light trace, other wail until a medium trace.

Is one way better than the other?

oop!! :oops:

Didn't mean wail until a medium trace, but others wait until a medium trace.

I add my salt and fragrance at medium trace, but I have never put it in the oven, it heats up really fast and I have to cut it within 2 hours or it is too hard to cut. It is still very warm when I cut it.
Your salt bars look fantastic, I love the color , I am very partial to blue.:D

Depending on how long it takes, one just might begin to wail until it gets to medium trace.:D

I put the salt in at medium trace .I don't use the oven either , it took awhile for them to harden but they feel like polished stone , I love them.

Trying to make it easy on myself and avoid cutting, I used the cupcake and the bar molds. I hemmed and hawed about putting it in the oven, but finally did because I wasn't sure if enough heat would be generated by not using my wooden log. (it was just a 1# batch)

They did harden up very nicely.

And, I shouldn't type so late at night when I'm tired..... :lol:

We all make pytos from time to time. I like your idea of the individual molds , I have to try that. thanks for sharing it.:D

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