Most epic CP soap fail ( not for the queesy )

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2012
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I'll admit I don't know everything about soap making but I thought I knew enough to never see this happen. "This" being I DONT KNOW. I feel like overnight my soap was abducted by funghi-aliens and impregnanted with a beast that will devour us all. I immediately threw it out when I got home and saw what it turned into today. But not before taking pictures... this is just SO BAD. I had to share my major mistake.

I tried to make a yoghurt and honey soap. Upon inspecting my ingredients after this fiasco, I think I know where I erred. I used Fage, but I guess I mistakenly picked up the variety that is 0% fat. I assume the same as in cooking, the lower the fat content the easier it curdles? My whole batch is just a curdled, overheated, stringy mess. Yes. Stringy. I have no idea why/how, but there it is. I'll never be able to smell anise again without thinking of this stomach turning heap of disappointment. :(

At least now I know! FULL FAT YOGHURT! Ugh.

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Thank goodness I made a sea-mud batch (no yoghurt) yesterday as well and it came out splendid. Much more appetizing pictures of that one to come! :oops: :oops: :oops:
not sure i want to rebatch it... the milk has obviously curdled. i dont think theres any way to fix / remove that :( looks like i need to soap waaaay cooler and do everything i can to avoid gel next time.
judymoody said:
Time to rebatch!

Honey + milk seems to be prone to the stringy effect.

See this for comparison:

I did a pumpkin puree soap that overheated in a major way and while it wasn't pretty after the rebatch, it was nice functional soap.

oh dear! that looks exactly what happened to me! except without the gross curdling marbling.

is it absolutely necessary to avoid gel when making milk/honey soaps? i don't really care either way i am just curious!
that is odd looking :?

but I soap with fat free yogurt (and with skim milk) without issue so I don't think that the lack of fat is the problem.
carebear said:
that is odd looking :?

but I soap with fat free yogurt (and with skim milk) without issue so I don't think that the lack of fat is the problem.

ohh nooo.. then my theory is moot! when do you add your milk/yogurt? i tried at light/medium trace at the same time as the honey.
I wouldn't think you would need to totally avoid gelling though it probably would make the process simpler just to pour and pop in the freezer than to come home and find an alien lifeform in your mold :lol:

At first, my eyes clapped onto the picture, and I thought you were teasing us with a soap that looked like an ooey gooey caramel brownie. Then I read that it was a botched batch. :lol:
most epic cp failure

COULD you really re-batch that? :shock: just it possible to re-batch ALL mistakes?!? you know you're amongst friends when you feel safe enough to reveal your failures! :wink:
Lilahblossom said:
I had a neighbor who used to blame all his hangovers on the "additives" in beer. So maybe it was the "additives"in the yogurt?

That is so true. I've got a German friend who steers clear of any bottled beer that has an expiry date over one year in the future, as they are chock full of additives and preservatives.
Re: most epic cp failure

brandnew said:
COULD you really re-batch that? :shock: just it possible to re-batch ALL mistakes?!? you know you're amongst friends when you feel safe enough to reveal your failures! :wink:

I've rebatched every last mistake, I look at the caremel cake of soap and see all it's good qualities reborn in another bar of soap (I always mix rebatch with new soap batter) I made peanut butter soap once, threw it in the back of a closet (peeee-yewww) months later I added it to a cocoa butter batch and it was one of my favorite soaps
GOOD GAWD, LOL!! I absolutely LOVE your colorful description, hahaha!! And I feel your pain... Not long ago I dove right into making my first CP batch...with no experience. I was proud to see that my creation had turned out to be SOOO darn pretty! I left it for 24hrs and when I went to go take it out of the mold I realized that all of my wonderful blue swirls had completely disappeared! :( I was hoping that they would still be present on the inside of the loaf as I've heard that this can sometimes happen. I positioned my crinkle cutter and prayed for it to be a success. Pressing down gently...praying...pressing...praying...and WOOPS! Cutter slipped (as soap was hard as a rock) and the entire loaf went flying off the counter and across the kitchen floor!! :shock: I was actually surprised that it didn't completely shatter!! So to prevent anymore epic failures I've decided to go on a mission to learn all that I can before attempting this process once again!! :roll:
ooh freaky looking. sorry for the fail! I've yet to venture into yogurt soap so I'm no help
I'm sorry this happened to you but thanks for letting us know. It helps everyone else when people share info on "when soaps go bad". :lol:

I've never used yogurt but if I ever do, I'll remember this discussion and what not to do. :D