Microfiber for Cleaning

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
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Hi All,

A couple years ago the internet convinced me that I needed microfiber cloths in my arsenal to clean the house (Dust will leap off your table onto the microfiber, only to be locked away and never to be seen again! Have a spill? Simply wave a microfiber in front of it and the spill will quiver in fear and then vanish! The Plague would have been no match for a microfiber cloth!)

I purchased a couple packs from Walmart to use for dusting and general house cleaning. They worked okay at first, but now seem to leave more behind than pick up (white tile + black dog = glaring inefficiencies).

The idea of them is still appealing in that they are easy to toss into the washer and reuse. I think my issues with the ones I have might be twofold: 1) they were of cheap quality to begin with, and 2) it's possible I'm washing them incorrectly (generally on the warm wash setting by themselves or with other rags, then put them into the dryer).

Before I invest in more, I wanted to turn to this community for tips and recommendations. Can anyone point me in the direction of "good" ones? Any care/washing tips to share? I appreciate any help with tracking down some magical microfibers!

Sorry, can't help you. I buy a 3-pack from the dollar tree and they last me about a year (collectively, so each one about 4 months) I figure a dollar a year isn't bad, so don't worry about trying to find "magic" ones. :)
I bought a big bag at Costco. I figure that if it doesn't work for one thing it will work for another....... like just a rag cloth.
I could always use a couple in the Barn, kitchen, car...
I have some from the grocery store, some from the hardware store, and some from two different family members who sell Norwex microfiber cloths (an MLM company). They all do a great job, but I have to admit that the Norwex cloths edge the other two out in terms of quality- they are thicker and hold up better. I don't know that I buy into their claims of their silver anti-bac weave, but they do a really good job of cleaning and leaving things dust-free. They are quite expensive, though, in comparison to the ones I can buy at the grocery or hardware store. Thankfully I was able to get a really good deal on the ones I have via my SIL letting me use her accumulated points. I hand-wash them with an oxygen-based cleaner such as Oxi-Clean Free, then either air dry them or toss them in the dryer. I never use softener or dryer sheets with them because I've been told that using either of them can reduce their effectiveness.

IrishLass :)
I picked up a 4 pack of microfiber clothes from harbor freight and so far, really like them. They pick up everything and rinse clean easily. They work great dry to remove smudges from touch screens.
Washing incorrectly does ruin them and they don't seem to come back from that, I have observed. We used to own a restaurant and the professional laundry service method of cleaning microfiber cloths totally did them in. Bleach, and high heat destroys the fibers. I took a few home with me and still have two or three. No amount of proper washing has brought them back. Those ones were eventually relegated to the garage until ready to be tossed out.

So they should be washed in cool or warm water, not hot, never with strong chemicals and when drying in a dryer, use only low heat, as high heat melts the fibers. Fabric softener and bleach will eliminate the electric charge that attracts dust.

What I like them for most, is how nicely they make the surface of soap shine.
Thank you all for your input!

IrishLass, I've seen the Norwex cloths, and they seem to have quite a devout following. They do come with a high price tag, but if I can, I like to buy quality items that will last so that makes the Norwex compelling. But I'm definitely going to check out the other recommendations on this thread, as well.

Earlene, thanks for the detailed washing tips. I've used bleach on my microfibers before, and quite possibly washed them in hot water, so that could be a large part of why they are so ineffective now. Oopsie-daisy. Here I've been cursing their performance every time I use them when perhaps it was my fault all along. :confused: (it's also my fault I seem to have an inability to just get rid of them even though they don't work, and then grumble about it. Every. Time.)

Again, I appreciate all the information, and I'm off to make a Christmas list. You know you are of a certain age (ahem) when you are excited at the prospect of a variety of new cleaning aids under the tree.
I can't stand the feel of microfiber on my hands so i don't use them much. I just use cheap cotton rags (the one with nap like a towel, not the flat ones). The few microfibers I have have to be washed without fabric softener or they don't work anymore, and I hang dry them. I've given up on name brands and just get dollar store :)
What's interesting is the cheap microfiber cloths I've tried do feel weird on the skin, but the more expensive ones I have (the ones from Microfiber Wholesale) do not. They just feel velvety without clinging to my skin or feeling odd. I have also noticed a large difference in the absorbency and performance of the cloths -- the more expensive ones absorb liquid better and hold onto dry dust better with little or no streaking or residues left behind.

I am absolutely sold on the microfiber cloths specifically made for glass cleaning. I use a squeegee to remove liquid after washing windows, but follow up with a glass cleaning cloth to tidy any missed spots or streaks. These cloths do a stellar job -- better than any regular microfiber cleaning cloth or other cloth I've used. I truly hate cleaning windows, but with a squeegee and microfiber glass cleaning cloths, the job is tolerable.
Ditto what DeeAnna said- the cheap ones that I have from the grocery or hardware store give my skin the heebeejeebees, for lack of a better word, lol, but the more expensive Norwex ones do not. The Norwex cloths also absorb liquids better, hold onto dust better and leave little to no streaking behind in comparison.

A less expensive alternative to Norwex are "E-cloths", which are sold via retail as opposed to MLM. They get just as many great reviews as Norwex does for their quality, and they are half the price!

IrishLass :)
Irish Lass and DeeAnna express my feelings. The Norwex window cloths are wonderful. They totally replaced my squeegee. For indoor, no dripping water, just a medium wet cloth, finished by rinsing the cloth and wringing dry and rewiping.
I completely understand why people don't like to touch cheap microfiber cleaning cloths. They have this weird feel and they cling to tiny rough bits on my fingers. It's just creepy. The higher-end cloths that I use feel like velvet -- soft, yummy.

In fact, I use these microfiber cloths as wash cloths for bathing. They clean well, feel nice on the skin, and dry fast. I bought 2 colors of cloths. The green ones are for household cleaning, and the pink ones are momma's. ;) No way, no how would I wash my body with the cheap ones.
Ugh, the cheap ones from Walmart that I have give that awful skin-feel that makes me want to go dip my hands into a vat of lotion. It makes me think that the microfiber is gripping and tugging on every skin cell on my hands, yet when I go wipe down a counter there is no gripping, no tugging, just a lot of debris left behind in its wake. (which, to review, may be partly my fault for washing them incorrectly but I'll still point fingers and curse them out a little)

The husband has now been alerted to this thread for gift ideas, so the dust in my house had better watch out!
I've never seemed to have a problem with my cheapos, and never noticed a funky feel to them. They feel smooth and velvety to me, however this thread now has me wondering if I would benefit from better ones. I'm going to look up the equivelant of the norwex ones and see how they compare to my cheapies. :)
I've never seemed to have a problem with my cheapos, and never noticed a funky feel to them. They feel smooth and velvety to me, however this thread now has me wondering if I would benefit from better ones. I'm going to look up the equivelant of the norwex ones and see how they compare to my cheapies. :)
If they don't prick at your fingers then that just means your fingers are soft and smooth unlike mine and apparently like many others!
Hi All,

A couple years ago the internet convinced me that I needed microfiber cloths in my arsenal to clean the house (Dust will leap off your table onto the microfiber, only to be locked away and never to be seen again! Have a spill? Simply wave a microfiber in front of it and the spill will quiver in fear and then vanish! The Plague would have been no match for a microfiber cloth!)

I purchased a couple packs from Walmart to use for dusting and general house cleaning. They worked okay at first, but now seem to leave more behind than pick up (white tile + black dog = glaring inefficiencies).

The idea of them is still appealing in that they are easy to toss into the washer and reuse. I think my issues with the ones I have might be twofold: 1) they were of cheap quality to begin with, and 2) it's possible I'm washing them incorrectly (generally on the warm wash setting by themselves or with other rags, then put them into the dryer).

Before I invest in more, I wanted to turn to this community for tips and recommendations. Can anyone point me in the direction of "good" ones? Any care/washing tips to share? I appreciate any help with tracking down some magical microfibers!

Do you use dryer sheets? That may ruin the "finish".
In the interests of full disclosure, microfiber cloths aren't forever, just like any other cleaning cloth. Some of my microfiber cloths have stayed velvety after many uses and washings and others have become less velvety and plushy feeling. I'm not sure why some change and some don't. I wash them all the same, so I'm guessing the ones that are not-velvety have been used differently. The not-velvety cloths still clean well, they just don't feel like velvet -- more like a low pile terrycloth. The cost of these cloths is not so high that I feel bad about discarding ones that no longer work, but the not-velvety ones still work fine, so I have yet to get rid of any.
If they don't prick at your fingers then that just means your fingers are soft and smooth unlike mine and apparently like many others!
I've been told I have soft hands, but never really thought about it, other than I only ever use my own products, or other handmade products, such as soaps, lotions, scrubs, etc.,. Maybe that has something to do with it?