Master Batching Lye.

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@AliOop so, if not MB lye, I can add the %1 PPO of CA to the water, before I add my lye, correct?

@DeeAnna I accidentally forgot and left my premixed lye outside last night. It was 53F. Should I just scrap it, or is there anything I can look for to see if it’s still ok to use?
Relatively new diaper here and am loving this site.
I’ve made my first pitcher of 1:1 master batched lye. I weighed out my water/ice in the pitcher making sure to tare the weight first.
Then in a second container I weighed out the exact same weight of lye.
Then I stirred the lye bit by bit into the water.
My dilemma? It seemed like a huge amount of lye! I haven’t seen that concern anywhere no matter how much I read about it. Help?
I usually make up around two gallons at a time. As long as you wipe the spout and inside of the lid and keep it (the lid) tight and keep it over 65F, I've used a Lye Solution that was better than six months old. And it you get concerned, just make a small test batch.
Relatively new diaper here and am loving this site.
I’ve made my first pitcher of 1:1 master batched lye. I weighed out my water/ice in the pitcher making sure to tare the weight first.
Then in a second container I weighed out the exact same weight of lye.
Then I stirred the lye bit by bit into the water.
My dilemma? It seemed like a huge amount of lye! I haven’t seen that concern anywhere no matter how much I read about it. Help?
Most people don't use their 50% lye solution as-is. At the time they make a batch of soap, they add more water to reach their desired lye concentration.

Other people make their masterbatched lye solution at the strength they want to use for soaping, whether that is 33%, 35%, 40%, etc.

Whatever the strength of your masterbatched lye solution, if you use to create your recipe, you can select master-batched lye, put in the concentration of your MB, and then select your desired lye concentration. The printout will then tell you how much of each is needed.
I do use SoapmakingFriend (and love it) and understand adding the extra liquid as stated to account for what lye concentration I choose.
I’m just wondering if anyone felt it was a lot of lye when they made their master batch?
Also, I’m using up the last of my lye flakes which I don’t like. Do flakes act differently than the small granules?
Relatively new diaper here and am loving this site.
I’ve made my first pitcher of 1:1 master batched lye. I weighed out my water/ice in the pitcher making sure to tare the weight first.
Then in a second container I weighed out the exact same weight of lye.
Then I stirred the lye bit by bit into the water.
My dilemma? It seemed like a huge amount of lye! I haven’t seen that concern anywhere no matter how much I read about it. Help?
Darn that spell check. 🥹
I do use SoapmakingFriend (and love it) and understand adding the extra liquid as stated to account for what lye concentration I choose.
I’m just wondering if anyone felt it was a lot of lye when they made their master batch?
Also, I’m using up the last of my lye flakes which I don’t like. Do flakes act differently than the small granules?
Ah, I misunderstood what you were saying. Yes, it does seem like a lot of lye compared to the volume of water. As long as you are weighing them, which you apparently did, you are good. :)

My KOH comes as flakes, but I've not tried any NaOH flakes, nor even seen them for sale - only the beads/granules. What was it about them that you didn't like?
I’m just wondering if anyone felt it was a lot of lye when they made their master batch?
Also, I’m using up the last of my lye flakes which I don’t like. Do flakes act differently than the small granules?
Whether it is a lot or not is subjective. I Master Batch 40 lbs of Oils/Butters and that is a lot if you making soap once a week with a 4" Square Silicone Mold. On the other side of the coin...I have 5-5lb Molds and that will get me 10 batches or a single weekend.

Flakes or beads, NaOH is NaOH. I really liked the flakes when I first started out because they made a lot of noise until the were fully dissolved...very helpful when using full Goat Milk. And there is not reason not to have a back up....something I started doing after the first time I ran out of Sodium Hydroxide (before master batching). Since then how much inventory I keep in ingredients is based on production, quantity/budget and lead time.
@AliOop - when I said I didn’t like the NaOh flakes it was because they seemed to have a harder time dissolving. My folly appears to have been making & keeping it in the garage where it is so cold. (I’m in the Seattle area so I know y’all in other areas are chuckling right now.)
Having just read other threads about where people keep their master batched lyes, I will find a spot in the house.

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