Lots of Tallow!

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Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
Southern California
I am going to be making lots of tallow soap :). I recently purchased another 50# block of the tallow shortening from Smart & Final, not long after I saw a post here for 50#'s of free tallow available for pickup. Post disappeared right after I answered it and I will be picking up 50#'s of frozen rendered tallow in 2 lb tubs tomorrow. :clap:Going to have fun comparing the difference to the rendered tallow versus the shortening. I will be including them when I send out the lard and tallow shortening samples I have curing to all the wanted a sample.
I saw that you claimed the free tallow, thats a heck of a good score. Do you make shaving soap? If not, it might be a good tie to start lol.
I love my tallow soap, it is mild and I mix lard and tallow. my super sensitive skin likes that. Tallow does not slow trace though. With the addition of lard I have enough time to do whatever i need to do. I am newbie though, maybe 30 soaps so far and one LS:)
Totally. Jealous. Here's my meager amount I'm rendering today as I type.

How does one go about rendering fat? I see it quite a bit on here but have never delved beyond veggie oils although the number of recent posts about how gentle it is have piqued my interest!
I just rendered 10 pounds of beef fat in my old crockpot. We put the chopped tallow in the crockpot on low and cooked until it was melted, then strained it into a container.
A special thanks to cmzaha (a fellow s. California resident) for letting us know that Smart & Final carrries tallow and lard in 50lbs cubes!!! I drove
to the San Marcos store today and bought one of each. A word to the unwise though; call ahead to make sure they have it in stock first. That particular store said they only stock a few at a time.

Now my next goal is to find out how many bars of soap can you get out of 100 lbs of animal fat!
Btw cmzaha, what do you think of a recipe of 10% oo, 12 co, (I know tallow has some qualities of co, so I thought I'd reduce co a bit), 5 castor
(I'm actually wondering about leaving castor out), and the remainder being a 50/50 split of tallow and lard?
I saw that you claimed the free tallow, thats a heck of a good score. Do you make shaving soap? If not, it might be a good tie to start lol.
Yep I do make shaving soap. It was a nice score even though they missed a bit on the amount. They were 1.7 lbs containers, but who is going to split hairs over free :-D. Although I can say what I rendered has less odor than this tallow. Mine is odor free this has a very slight odor
This is the recipe I use when I have large amounts of tallow,
Olive Oil 20%
Coconut Oil 20%
Tallow Beef 55%
Castor oil 5%
When I HP the recipe I use 42% water discount with 5% SF.
It gives very good hard bar.
Btw cmzaha, what do you think of a recipe of 10% oo, 12 co, (I know tallow has some qualities of co, so I thought I'd reduce co a bit), 5 castor
(I'm actually wondering about leaving castor out), and the remainder being a 50/50 split of tallow and lard?
If you want a low cleansing soap the 12% coconut is fine. I personally use 6% castor in all soaps for the lather support. Many times I still use palm with my tallow and lard soaps but very seldom ever use both tallow and lard although there is certainly no reason not to. The combination of lard and tallow would make a nice soap I just choose not to add to animal fats to my labels. No use pushing it :grin:.
Just watch the lard in hot weather, I have had it go rancid, but fortunetly not until the bottom of the batch. I do transfer it out of the box into 5 gallon pails
Can you let us know if you notice a difference between rendered tallow and the smart and final shortening? Is one more white and does one have more scent?
Next week I will be shipping out some soapie samples I made using tallow shortening, lard, and the rendered tallow I made. If you would like some of the samples pm me your addy and I will send some to you