It's been a while, but I'm back at it.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Hello friends, I've missed y'all!
I don't know how most of you feel about food these days, but when I buy meat at the grocery store I tend to feel like I wasted my money. It's just not very good anymore. I know I'm not as old as some of you, but I remember when meat was aged; it was tender, juicy, and had flavor. So one day I was in a bad mood and bought a fairly pricey steak, took it home, grilled it up, took one bite and threw it in the garbage. I got online and searched for local butchers, found one nearby and while I was there, I asked him if he had any fat lying around in back. And that's how I ended up rendering my own lard for the first time. I'd heard horror stories of how terrible rendering smells, but I didn't think it was too bad. It was, however, pretty time consuming. But, at the end of the day, about 3 lbs of fat got me 2.28 pounds of lard and took about 8 hours.
My recipe was 2.28 lbs lard, .25 lb castor oil, and filtered water.
Colored with green mica and blue mica (morphed to brown and is barely visible).
No scents.
18 bars currently curing.

Lard Soap 2.jpg

Lard Soap.jpg
I love the green and your swirls!

I thank you kindly.
I used the 'In the pot swirl' method I found a tutorial for on youtube. Or I may have been linked to it somewhere on here. I don't really remember.
Oh, those are really pretty! Don't you just love lard? :)

Thanks! Lard is fairly easy to work with. And all things considered, this batch of soap cost me, what.. four bucks? Can't complain there, that's for sure!

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