Ingredients list - extra oils?

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Jul 22, 2014
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I have made cold process 100% coconut oil soaps with 20% superfat.
I plan to label them as Sodium cocoate - which I believe is the correct term for saponified coconut oil. Should I then list Cocos nucifera because there should be 20% left in the soap or just leave that out and go to the next ingredients (essential oils)? Should I list glycerine too?
The ingredients should be in order of percentage right?

I am totally new to the labelling thing (and soaps too!).

These are just as gifts but I want to practise in case I end up selling in the future.

P.S I am in Australia if that makes a difference.
I don't sell either, and I'm not in Australia. So I can't exactly answer your question. But I do think that one of the distinct benefits of not selling is that you can provide truth in labeling on your own terms. Most people have no idea what sodium cocoate or Coco nucifera are, but they can somewhat identify with coconut oil. It is simple and truthful.

I support you in finding out what the labeling laws are in your area. But I also recommend communicating with your family and friends on a level that makes sense to them. Just my opinion.
I have the common names i.e "Eucalyptus and Tea Tree soap made with coconut oil" on the front but thought an ingredient list on the back might be nice - just so they can see there aren't any 15 character long unpronounceable chemical hexa-tri-ethyl-sulfa-hydra-oxy-nols (slight exaggeration?) in it. I'm kind of proud of the fact I've made them from scratch and they have no chemical additives (I know everything technically is a chemical, but more from a manufactured synthetic point of view, with the exception of the Sodium Hydroxide but I think that's a necessary to get soap, otherwise you just have oil) so I wanted them to look 'professional'.
Surely a google search of "Sodium cocoate" should yield a result of coconut oil that has been made into soap? I don't think that is an issue.
I *think* we are allowed to choose either the initial ingredients or the final product, so I was going with the final product.

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