Influenza A

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Sep 19, 2011
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Southern California
Don't forget to get flu shots...I usually do not get flu shots since I have never had the flu but this year I had an appointment booked to get one and came down with the flu 2 days before. Don't remember being this sick back in the late 70's when I had meningitis.

This is now day 12 and I am just now managing to stay out of bed for more than 30 min. What a complete waste of m 3 weeks off from the parents, and the second time I have been sick in the last year (TIA) last Feb. Something is going to have to change this year with their care.
I agree with Steve. My daughter didn't get the flu shot nor did she get one for the kids and guess what. She's had the flu for 10 days and my grandson started Friday night. Even if you've never had the flu get a flu shot. If you get the flu it will also make it much shorter and less intense. Fortunately for my grandson, he was able to get Tamiflu and they gave it to her for my granddaughter who has not shown any signs yet.

@cmzaha glad you are starting to feel better, take care of you.
Luckily, none of us have gotten the flu, but this has been the worst 2 months of colds & infections my family has experienced in years.

I'm glad you are feeling better. Try to take it easy on yourself, so you can continue to recover.
We all were sick a solid 14 days - and then just left exhausted with plenty of continuing chronic cough. Not the flu (no fever, no sore throat or headache) - just a paralyzing chest cold. Adults are getting a stomach flu that lasts about a month in this area!

I'm completely sorry that you were sick on your free and pleasure time Carolyn. You've gone from one stressful time to another and now back again. :(
Relax for one moment and you get the flu - that is SO unfair!

I was wondering where you'd got to - glad you are starting to feel better.

(And in a way, thanks for the heads up - if you folk are getting bad flu now, then it will be bad here in a few months time too).
Oh, Carolyn! I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Just going to add... I didn't get the vaccine this year - although I made Chris and the kids get it. I went in twice to get mine and wound up having anxiety and panic attacks each time, and finally gave up and said "I'll take my chances this year and get my head together for next year". Last year I had SIRVA (shoulder injury related to vaccine administration) in my left arm, which left me unable to dress myself for 3 months, and I had to do physical therapy for two months. I was lucky enough to have a hubby help me with everything from dressing, washing my hair, and even soapmaking, but it was exhausting for both of us. I know I won't ever get my shot in my left arm again. I was hoping they would do it in my thigh, but the clinic refused and said I have to have it my arm [insert panic attack here]. I'm stocking up on Xanax in preparation for next year's shot...
i havent gotten my shot yet. i was supposed to for work but i think i fell through their cracks and was hoping to avoid it
but holy cow.... now i'm properly freaked out.
also- @amd WHAT!? i didnt even know that was a thing! omg. i do noooooot want to do this!
This is now day 12 and I am just now managing to stay out of bed for more than 30 min. What a complete waste of m 3 weeks off from the parents, and the second time I have been sick in the last year (TIA) last Feb. Something is going to have to change this year with their care.

Sorry to hear Carolyn. You definitely have a full plate. Being a caregiver for our parents has to be the toughest to do.
also- @amd WHAT!? i didnt even know that was a thing! omg. i do noooooot want to do this!

I didn't either until it happened. Just keep your muscles loose when you're getting the shot! My circumstances were crazy to start with, and I think if the nurse had been a bit more forward thinking it wouldn't have happened. I don't do well with shots (which is crazy because tattoos don't bother me), but I have a history of fainting during them that starts clear back when I six years old. As a precaution, I always make sure I am sitting down when I get my shots and not anywhere near a copy machine. [back story, I was getting blood drawn during one of my pregnancies and passed out before she even got the needle in me. I was sitting next to the copy machine and wound up face planting into it. I came out looking like I had lost a boxing match.] Last year when my work had our annual flu shot clinic, I went in and it wasn't the usual nursing staff, whole new crew, so they were giving shots to people standing up. So I pulled over a chair and told the nurse she could give me the shot after I sat down. So I'm in the process of lowering myself into the chair, muscles all bunched up because sitting isn't easy for me thanks to a hip and back injury five years ago... and she says "Oh you don't need to sit down" and jabs me with the needle. Needless to say that needle went through my tensed up arm muscle like a toothpick through concrete. When I woke up on the floor, cuz yep I passed out, my arm felt like it was on fire... for the next three months. So yeah... if that nurse had done what I said and let me sit down and relax my muscles, I truly believe the injury would have never happened.
@amd - is the nasal spray vaccine an option for you? It's not as commonly available in my area at least, but in your shoes I would definitely ask!

I haven't heard of this! I'll make sure to ask when I go in for my annual. It might be something they can do on special request. My GP tends to be a bit more understanding about my anxiety than the walk-in nursing staff, so she might be able to help me get a plan for next year. Thanks for mentioning it!
YMMV and this is me.

10 years working in the ER, never got the Flu shot, Never had the flu.
Chance? Sure, but I go to sleep early and wash/gloved/mask when necessary at work mostly.

The Flue shot is only good for what ever they "Think" it will be for that year, which is a mix of last year and a few others. New strain? It will be useless.

If you have an immune issue or other health issues I would suggest getting it. pneumonia and Shingles if you are older too
I wondered where you were too, Carolyn. I'm sorry you've been ill and not just busy, but glad you are starting to feel better.

I'd never had a flu shot up until 3 years ago. My husband and I traveled with friends (we flew). They had all had a flu shot - I was the only one who got sick. And I was really sick. We were gone for 2 weeks, and I was 'that person' on the plane on the return trip.
Carolyn, I am so sorry for your troubles. If it's at all possible please get help for your parents before someone is taking care of you. I have taken care of a mother, father, aunt and sister. Since laying myself so low with the mother and aunt, I promised myself I would take better care of myself and get relief if it ever happened again. But even with getting help, it's draining just to go through the process of getting help! Take care.

amd, my question is was it really an injury or a reaction to the vaccine? I know of a nurse who got the vaccine years ago and I see her to this day in town on a scooter. She never got back to work. She has been ill ever since. So sad...the chances are small but eventually it has to land on someone.