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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
West Sussex, UK
Okay .... I managed to get some time to make M&P soaps the night before last, but with too many things going on, I made a total hash of the calculations, and put FAAAAR too much peppermint & lavender EO in it. O put more soap in, and I thought I'd fixed it.

Been away the whole day, I've sat down next to where the soaps are, and I know they're too strong still. I can feel my eyes tingling. This means that I have to remelt the whole flaming batch into one, then remake eveything that I'd re-made last night, and will have loads left over. URGH. I am soooo rubbish at maths!! :(
I don't think you necessarily have to remelt things yet again. If you save it and dice it/slice it up, you can put pieces of it into unscented soap, which would help tame the smell down a little.

If you know you put so much in it would eat someone's skin off, then sure it's not a good idea to re-use it in such a state, but if you're really only off a bit and it just the smell that's killing you, then you might get away with using pieces of it mixed in with other stuff.