I found these containers at walmart

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Dec 27, 2017
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South Florida
i thought I'd give them a try. Ironically, from the 'Pioneer Woman'!

BTW, thanx to your valuable info, I knew to research the fragrance oil FIRST!! I knew the gardenia was going to accelerate like a %#^*%. So I was ready to do the Mash!!

I just bought a few more. I like that I didn't have to line it, and it's perfect for left overs. I like left overs, so I usually make a little more than I'm going to need, for experimenting. This time, the leftovers came out better than the main batch!
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I love Rhee (the Pioneer Woman). I used to watch her cooking show when I had cable TV. I'll have to give those containers a try.
I am liking the size for experimenting. I used bag balm (of all things!!). It would have come right out had a done the corners a bit better, gentle loosening in the corners with a butter knife did the trick. I like that they have a breathable lid. I'm going to try some dividers too, there are a couple of designs I want to try that this size might be perfect for.
Okay, I've seen bag balm before, just never heard of it in relation to soap so I was thrown. Perhaps it should have rung a bell since I used to spend time on my uncles' dairy farms, but they've been gone a very long time and that was not a task ever given to me. I'd milk a cow or two, but never remember either of my uncles talking about using bag balm.

As a release agent in a soap mold, that seems a rather expensive one, though. Vaseline alone is far less expensive. Lanolin is less expensive. Mineral Oil is probably the least expensive. I've used Vaseline and I've used lanolin. I haven't used mineral oil although it is what many here have recommended, but I keep it upstairs next to my shredder, and have just never ran upstairs to try it out.
:D I've tried one of those before. It was nearly impossible to line. I might try it again sometime, but it made an awkwardly large bar of soap. However, I think it would be perfect to package some small soaps as a gift.
its not as big as it looks, I wondered about rubbing it well with petroleum first, so the batter doesn't seep into the cardboard.
Laura, I think the vaseline might work, but I wonder how well paperboard holds up to Vaseline. Perhaps you could rub it in and let it sit overnight and see if it seems like it will hold work.

Another possibility is lanolin. Lanolin has been used for hundreds of years to waterproof textiles.

Another thing you could do is cut a piece of oil cloth to fit the bottom and insert that into the heart so you'd have a good leakproof bottom. If you don't have oil cloth, some other plastic sheet would work, I think. Of course you'd still have the sides to seal.

Then perhaps pour once you have a thicker trace. I think a thin trace might be asking for trouble in this as a mold. But still keep the mold on or in another soap-safe tray or container for double protection while it sets up.
Laura, I think the vaseline might work, but I wonder how well paperboard holds up to Vaseline. Perhaps you could rub it in and let it sit overnight and see if it seems like it will hold work.

Another possibility is lanolin. Lanolin has been used for hundreds of years to waterproof textiles.

Another thing you could do is cut a piece of oil cloth to fit the bottom and insert that into the heart so you'd have a good leakproof bottom. If you don't have oil cloth, some other plastic sheet would work, I think. Of course you'd still have the sides to seal.

Then perhaps pour once you have a thicker trace. I think a thin trace might be asking for trouble in this as a mold. But still keep the mold on or in another soap-safe tray or container for double protection while it sets up.
Thanx, earlene, knowing me, I will probably try it!! Do you, also, see potential molds all over the place??!?