How to resize recipe for a salt bar?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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Texas, USA and France
I am contemplating making a salt bar (Irish Lass's recipe). However, I am not sure about how much I should reduce my oils so that the recipe will fit into my mold. Right now my mold holds 33 oz. of oils - so I just can't dump in an additional 7 or 8 oz of sea salt or it won't all fit. Is there a quick way to calculate how much I should reduce my oils?
Thank you!
Since one is liquid and one is solid I'm not sure if a 1-1 swap would work. My thinking is that it probably will. So, deduct 7 or 8 oz of oil and add that much in salt. The volume should be roughly the same.

Maybe someone else has a better formula??
When I first made a salt bar, someone said to use 80% oils to your mold size, and 80% salt to oils.

In my case I have a mold that could hold 48 oz of oil. 80% of that is 38.4 oz. That would be how much oil I would use. Then I would do 80% of 38.4 to determine how much salt. It ended up working out perfectly for me. If you are going to use less salt, I'm not sure how to change this recipie up.
I'm telling you, I just about blew a brain gasket trying to figure out how to adjust my recipe to accomodate the reduced salt amount that I use so that my batter would fill my mold nicely. :lol: The problem with salt is that you cannot do a 1:1 swap with the oils because salt and oils have different densities, meaning that one pound of salt will not take up the same volume of space as one pound of oil would.

I eventually decided to take the easy way out- I used my slab mold which has sides tall enough to more than accomodate any overflow if I make my normal 2.5 lb batch in it. It's a handy mold. If I want to, I can pour either 2.5 lbs of soap in it in a single horizontal layer, which gives me 9 bars of soap at 1.25" thick, or I can pour 5 lbs of soap in it, which doubles the depth of the batter to give me twice as many bars of soap (and twice as much cutting to do!).

Well, anyway I made my normal 2.5 lb recipe, added the salt, poured the batter into my slab and then let the chips fall wherever they might. My finished bars were somewhat thicker than normal, but not gargantuan or anything like that. I figured that I only needed to reduce my oil amount by only an ounce or so for my bars to come out at about the same thickness as normal, maybe slightly heftier, but that's okay since I like heftier bars anyway.

Another easy way to figure it out is make your normal size batch, add the salt, pour into yor designated mold, then pour any extra batter into an extra waiting mold and weigh. However much it weighs, just reduce your batch size by that much the next time you make salt bars.

IrishLass :)
My batches are normally 30 oz (weight of oils)...I didn't think of the volume increase with salt soaps, so it was a good thing I was using a mold with a lot of headroom! My bars ended up being about 20% bigger than normal. The next time, I reduced the oils by 20%, and that turned out to be perfect. :D