Help with EO's

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Elizabeth Driver

Active Member
Jan 15, 2020
Reaction score
Nanoose Bay, BC
I wondered in CP soaps i am using 48oz oils in total, with a 6%super fat, and I think the soap calc usually give me fragrance at 42 grams......I find the fragrance is stronger when I use this amount .....but the EO scents fade so much during curing - peppermint seems definitely to last.....other recipes I have followed called for 6-10 tsp EO, in a 4-5lb do people make the EO last....and are you using in different quantities? Do you plastic wrap your soap to help the smell last?
EO's are notorious for fading.. which EO you use makes a difference, some last longer than others (in general base notes last longer than top notes, there are lots of threads on which EO's last or fade on this forum). Some people try to anchor scents with clay, but that didn't work for me (EO was gone faster instead). I find adding EO's after HP cook helps a bit (especially with fresh/citrussy notes)
I have noticed some scents holding up better in a blend than the individual EO, though I've also experienced the opposite recently..
If you want to work with EO's I wholeheartedly recommend (I keep saying this.. I'm not being sponsored, I swear! ;)) they have inspiration for blends and a calculator to make sure your own blend is safe for use in soap (some EO's can be irritating)
Hope this helps!
That's why I do not use EO's with the exception of a handful. Most don't last long enough in my soaps. I sell and my customers like strong scented soap. As others have stated be sure to use EO's at safe amounts. Some have low rates of usage. Some also don't behave in soap. They are movers.
Brambleberry has a fragrance calculator that has some EOs on it:

Just FYI - add the oils AND the water when calculating the amount for soap. I specify that because some calculators go on oils alone.

I've really gone away from using EOs in soap. The prices have just sky rocketed in the last 5-10 years and it just feels wasteful.

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