Help! My soap is all crumbly

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Active Member
Aug 20, 2013
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Three days ago i made a bar of soap with coconut, beef tallow, shea and apricot oil (200g, 200g, 50g and 50g respectively). I put it through a soap calc (from memory, 76g lye and 165 ml H20). I also added lavender and chamomille essential oil. Was not too careful about amounts, i reckon may have been a teaspoon of each.
Today when I went to cut it, it looked dry and just crumbled, like trying to slice shortbread. I am disappointed and wonder what went wrong. Can i rescue t? What about melting and re batching? I am pretty confident I used the right amounts of lye and water. Thanks
Your number for lye gives approx 3% superfat which if fine and what I usually use. You have an extremely hard bar of soap designed which I am guessing caused the crumbling. This recipe would be similar to cutting a salt bar which are usually cut within 2 hrs. I would lower the coconut down to 20% and add in some liquid oil, OO, sunflower, canola etc. I have never run into dos using canola @20% like some predict. With only 10% liquid oil you have a rock hard recipe. You could try full water, but I still do not think you will be very happy with this recipe. Cleansing is 30% which is quite harsh with 3% superfat.
Thanks Carolyn. Is there anything I can do to rescue it? Like melt it and add a liquid oil ( but how much) and try re setting?
Rebatch it and add in 60grms of olive oil, that will raise the super fat to 12% which will help counter the cleansing value of this soap. I would suggest cutting as soon as it firms up enough to do so.
Thanks obsidian I was actually thinking of adding olive oil n after what Carolyn said. Will try this and if it comes good I'll post and let you know. Would you advise against adding more water?
You will probably need to add some water. You want your cooked down soap to be the consistency of mashed potatoes or a little thinner. Too much water and it will take longer to for the soap to set up/dry. Too little water and it will be hard to get it stuck together.
I'd start by adding a couple Tbs of water, add in more as needed.
Thanks so much Obsidian and Carolyn. i'LL be attempting to rescue all those quality ingredients tomorrow, and will let you know how it goes.

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