Hello from Brisbane, Australia

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
Sunny Brisbane, Australia
I'm so glad to have found this forum. Now I can stop boring my husband with all of my soap talk! I made my first batch of a very basic unscented and un-coloured (is that even a word?) cold processed soap nearly a week ago and I'm hooked. I can't stop myself admiring it every time I go past the kitchen where it is curing even though it is just plain white and doesn't really smell of much.:oops:

I have a bazillion questions - hope you don't all get sick of me!
Welcome to the forum! People here are wonderful and most of them are fellow addicts ;-) I have been making soaps about a month now and I am hooked as well.

PS yes, uncolored is a word ;-)
Welcome to the forum! I know what you mean about boring people especially when they get that glazed deer in the headlights look on their faces. :lol:

What's the red face smiley about for your white and faintly scented first batch? There's nothing wrong about plain Jane batches. Simplicity is good and my very first batch was also without color and scent. Just recently, I did a big batch to make 3 loaves of uncolored and unscented soap. I did this because I have a sister and a friend who like plain soap and I wanted extra to rebatch for some ideas I have been mulling over. You'll get these ideas, too.

The idea generally starts with "I wonder if".
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I guess I feel a little embarrassed about my plain Jane soap because I spent a little while browsing through the gallery admiring all the lovely colours and swirls and imagining all the scents. Hubby says my soap looks like lard blocks!

I am making these very simple soaps as a gift for my mother who is sensitive to the colours and fragrances used on commercial soaps and finds it difficult (and expensive) to find anything suitable in the shops in the small town she lives in. I hope to make a few different plain recipes and give them to her as a sampler so she can see which one works best for her. Today I am being a bit more adventurous and trying an unscented coconut milk soap. If it doesn't work out, I figure that I will have at least learned something. Wish me luck!
There isn't any reason to be embarrassed. A lot of people started off with simple soaps, too. The important thing is to enjoy the new things you'll learn and to not compare yourself with what other people are doing. I still can't do a decent multi-colored ITM swirl like Christy Rose/KBShimmer. I know I'd have more time for swirling if I'd change my recipes but I like the soap I make. So, I've learned to be satisfied with ITP swirls. :lol:

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