Glycerin Soap clear soap

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2015
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how easy is this to make from scratch ?
I’ve been using the same lard coconut oil olive oil recipe for years now and am super happy with it !
The only other soap I want to make is clear glycerin soap - is this possible to make at home or bette off buying m&P
Pardon ? I’m trying to find a recipe to make from scratch if st all possible :) could anyone please provide link or more information. ?
how easy is this to make from scratch ?
I’ve been using the same lard coconut oil olive oil recipe for years now and am super happy with it !
The only other soap I want to make is clear glycerin soap - is this possible to make at home or bette off buying m&P

Hi! Just go to the link Artemis kindly shared and you'll see my own dealings with clear, glycerin soap. I've been having a ball and have created a formulation that has worked EVERY time I've followed it. I was on a mission to create a transparent soap that was VEGAN, ORGANIC, NATURAL and ALCOHOL-FREE. My formulation isn't quite as clear as those commercially made, but darn close! :-D My formulation is ALSO MELT&POUR! Again, I have no really idea how it compares to the commercial brands as I have never bought any and don't have any reason to now. Let me know if I can help. I continue to experiment and recently made a batch of transparent wine soap ( using a modified version of the transparent recipe. Still working on the 'wine' aspect of that experiment. :)

I am using only two oils, castor and coconut in my final formulation as I have found them to be the most reliable at this point. Of course, you can make transparent soap with other oils, but not currently interested in changing what works for me. Good luck!
Pardon ? I’m trying to find a recipe to make from scratch if st all possible :) could anyone please provide link or more information. ?
You asked if you were better off buying it. Sure you can make it but it usually does not work and remelt as well as purchased. But that is my opinion after making several batches of m&p. It is quite expensive to make
You asked if you were better off buying it. Sure you can make it but it usually does not work and remelt as well as purchased. But that is my opinion after making several batches of m&p. It is quite expensive to make

I may have to agree that my soap is not as forgiving in the M&P area. It works, but you have to work a little faster to repour after adding fragrances/dyes. One of my best glycerin soaps was one made with a bar of my transparent soap. I melted it and quickly added the essential oil (mint) to it. Solidified rather quickly, but was wonderful. So, if you want easy, perhaps cheaper, then go with commercial. I don't see a reason to do so.