Getting my soap mojo back

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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Hello :) I've been sort of MIA for the past few months, but I'm back!

Some of you might remember my failed lilac soap that turned out gray and ugly. Within a week or so, that whole batch developed DOS :(. I was very upset. Next, a few bars from another batch got DOS. I think it was probably the summer humidity...but I was devastated.

I tried to cheer myself up by making another batch of soap, this time trying my hand at blending scents. Well...they came out smelling like plastic. Ugh. At that point, I'd lost my soap mojo :cry: and I didn't make another batch for over 2 months. I didn't even want to think about it.

Well...since I started making soap earlier this year, I desperately wanted to participate in a soap swap. I saw that the Autumn/Halloween swap was starting, so I decided to get back on the horse. I've made two batches within the last week, and it feels great! It's odd...I feel like a lot of the things I learned had a chance to sink in during my sabbatical, and I feel a lot more confident now.

I'm so glad you got back on the horse. That's too bad about the fails but your mojo sounds like its really kicked in with those new batches. Good work!
I missed 2 years of soaping (cancer treatments and recovery - I'm fine now) and it was strange getting back in the saddle again this Spring. But I'm making it!!

Hope your swap goes just the way you want it to!! Good luck!! :D
It sounds like you had a rough road for a bit. I hope your new soaps turn out great. :D
Cirafly24 said:
It's odd...I feel like a lot of the things I learned had a chance to sink in during my sabbatical, and I feel a lot more confident now.:D

Oh I can sooo understand where youre coming from with that, I had a break for quite a while, well, actually it was supposed to be a permanent one but I couldn't help myself lol. Anyways, i've just gotten back into the swing of things and can't believe how much I needed to absorb during my "Break" I feel alot clearer headed now :D

Welcome back, here's hoping for some great batches for you :D
Glad to see you got your mojo back :D It does feel wonderful, I had to take a break with moving home and soaping again really brightens the spirits I think. Can't wait to see all your future soaps which I'm sure will turn out great that new burst of confidence will sure help, don't let it go ^_^
I know the feeling, glad you were able to get your mojo back. I too have been on a break going through cancer recovery and recently started back a few weeks ago and to be honest, the break gave me to opportunity to read alot about soaping and learn a few new things. I am feeling a whole lot more adventurous then before!

Welcome back :)