Favorite Scrubby Soap Inclusions

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Just wondering what everyone likes to use to make a scrubby type soap. From reading the forum it seems like poppy seeds and oatmeal are popular. Any other suggestions?
I like to use poppy seeds also, and desiccated coconut works well to provide soft scrubby action. I've just ordered some medium-shredded loofah, havn't tried it before, but looking forward to giving it a go :D
I love poppy seeds the most, oatbran is my next favourite and I've also used ground pumice. I've not used coffee grounds, but I've read of a few who do.
Poppy seeds, oatmeal, strawberry seeds, almond and apricot kernel meal (very fine), rosemary :)
falldowngobump said:
Has anyone tried cornmeal?

I tried cornmeal, too scratchy for me.

I like calendula petal a lot. orange peel powder used in small amounts.
I bought some orange peel powder last week. Does that leave an orangey smell in it or is it more for being a scrubby ? I thought I'd put it in a citrus soap to make it more citriusy.

I used black sesame seeds in one of my soaps.
I am also really, really like sea kelp.
LadyM said:
How do you use sea kelp? Ground? What happens with the color?
I buy it ground. It is a greenish/brown & it really doesn't do anything to the color. I love it!
Scrubbies in soap

I made a 2lb batch of Gardeners/Mechanic's Hand Soap. Made with poppyseed and cornmeal. Little citrus scent... Turned out very nice... I'll try to post a photo after work tonight...
I like pomace - I find it cleans well but is fine enough that it doesn't rip my skin up like coffee grounds do.

No matter HOW much I try to super-grind the coffee, or whatever, it's still so SHARP.

apricot meal is also nice, but pomace is perfect.
For a softer scrub I just grind up some oats and if I want a really nice scrubby gardeners soap I use pumice and apricot meal together. Coffee grounds and poppy seeds are too scratchy for me.
Relle9 said:
I bought some orange peel powder last week. Does that leave an orangey smell in it or is it more for being a scrubby ? I thought I'd put it in a citrus soap to make it more citriusy.


No scent with the orange peel powder. Yeah, I use an orange scent with mine too.
I like using oatmeal, fine grit beach sand, and coffee grounds. I have a machine that grinds the coffee to expresso and I find that after I run it through twice most of it is an extremely soft powder with just a few more scrubby bits. I tend to like a more aggressive exfoliation though :) Got 15 layers of dead skin and it needs off! :)
HeartToHeart said:
Oatmeal for the face..... I like that!

Here is my hand soap photo's.... Gardeners/Mechanic's... Cornmeal and poppy seed....[/img]

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Not sure why the edges look white in the photo... They are solid yellow...