Dusting off the soap molds!

Soapmaking Forum

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Jun 28, 2014
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I usually forget to post introductions, so I am doing it first thing! LOL
I used to be an avid soaper and did sell. But probably the same as many people, when the economy tanked so did my business! LOL
But, the other day I was down and just thinking. I realized I had given up something I enjoyed. I needed something like that again. My kids are getting older, I need something for me. So I went out to the garage and dug out my old soaping supplies! I even found several pounds of shea butter in the chest freezer.
So I am pouring over my old notes and recipes. Trying to reacquaint myself with the soaping process!! :thumbup:

I can't remember if I used to belong here or not. I used to post on another site quite a bit. But it seems rather quiet nowadays.
So HI!!:D
Hi, Welcome back if you were here before, what name were you under ? We can track it down.