Do You Eat Soaping Oils?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2015
Reaction score
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Just curious on everyone's position on this subject.

Most of my soaping oils are food oils re-purposed for soap. Those are clearly edible, but what about oils purchased from soaping companies - especially avocado? Buying in bulk for soaping makes them much cheaper than the little bottles from the grocery. Do you feel comfortable eating them?
Soapers Choice is a subsidiary of Columbus Foods, a major supplier of fats and other stuff to the food industry. I don't use cosmetic grades of oils, but if I did I wouldn't use them in food. I do use their non-cosmetic fats in food.
I buy my avocado oil and olive oil at Costco. I use EVOO for cooking, so I buy that separately. I don't use avocado oil a lot in cooking, but will pour a small amount from a freshly opened bottle in a container and keep that in the kitchen. Once in the soaping area I've never used it for food, although I can't really say why. I agree with DeeAnna about Soapers Choice and would add a restaurant supply company to that thought. Although they would most likely be fine, I wouldn't use oils from a vendor that is strictly a soap supplier for cooking. But I am a bit of a germaphobe, and would worry about even an outside chance of contamination.
"...Although they would most likely be fine, I wouldn't use oils from a vendor that is strictly a soap supplier for cooking...."

Good point, Dibbles. I haven't bought base oils from soap suppliers -- SC and Walmart are my main sources -- but I'd feel the same as you if I did.
Well, yeah.. where I am from, in India, we don't have separate stores for Soaping. I buy Food Grade from wholesale suppliers and grocery stores. It is quite a task to find a Soaping supplies here.
Just curious on everyone's position on this subject.

Most of my soaping oils are food oils re-purposed for soap. Those are clearly edible, but what about oils purchased from soaping companies - especially avocado? Buying in bulk for soaping makes them much cheaper than the little bottles from the grocery. Do you feel comfortable eating them?

I get my oils from Soaper's choice. I always get the organic oils when available. I call the warehouse to make sure what I'm getting is food grade before I order. We use the oils for food, not just soap.
Several of my oils come from Cibaria and yes, I can use them for cooking and do use them. They have spec sheets for all bulk oils I use and they contain no sewer sludge or radiation. Here is a link for their Coconut 76 oil I love this company, of course part of the love of Cibaria is, I can will call :)
I bought a big box of coconut oil from one site and it was actually printed on the cardboard box "suitable for ice cream and confectionery" or something like that, so I assume it's edible?
I use all food grade oils. I have considered trying cosmetic grade for avocado, but haven't done so yet. Even though mine are food grade, I don't interchange with cooking. I use a more expensive organic coconut oil and evoo, as apposed to fine oo, for cooking. When I don't have clean bacon grease available, I might get a dab of lard for cast iron, but that's about it.
yes, I do use them for cooking. But I too get the majority of min from Soaper's Choice and never get the cosmetic grade.

OK I feel stupid now. I produce in such low quantity that I tend to get my oils from Costco and they are intended for restaurant use.

What is cosmetic grade? For example, specifically, what is the difference between cosmetic grade avocado oil at Soapers' Choice and the more expensive food grade version?

OK I feel stupid now. I produce in such low quantity that I tend to get my oils from Costco and they are intended for restaurant use.

What is cosmetic grade? For example, specifically, what is the difference between cosmetic grade avocado oil at Soapers' Choice and the more expensive food grade version?


They are a blend that is the same SAP as Avocado. So I have no idea what's in it. :)
Just chatted with BB and asked about their avocado oil. She said it was food grade, but should not be eaten because it is not packed in food-safe warehouse.

Guess I should stop eating it then. :mrgreen:

OK, this totally makes sense.
OK I feel stupid now. I produce in such low quantity that I tend to get my oils from Costco and they are intended for restaurant use.

What is cosmetic grade? For example, specifically, what is the difference between cosmetic grade avocado oil at Soapers' Choice and the more expensive food grade version?


There are a lot more regulations world wide regarding the handling of food grade oil as opposed to the same cosmetic oil. The purity of cosmetic grade can be as low as 70%.
All of the oils I buy are intended for food use. So, yes, I use them in cooking as well as soaping and making lip balms and lotion bars. Why would you buy oils for lip balms that would not be safe to eat?

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