Do bar soaps harbor bacteria?

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2009
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My husband doesn't want to use bar soaps, because he says that liquid soaps are more hygienic, because hands don't get in touch with soap. I searched for a research confirming or denying this, but I found only one that said that it's unlikely that contaminated bar soaps would transfer bacteria. All other say quite opposite and that liquid soap is better. I also read that if soap gets dry between uses, far less bacteria gets transferred.
What do you think?
I'd like to think they don't. I use my own bar and tell everyone else to use theirs. Liquid soap dispensers probably contain a lot of bacteria on the pushy downy bit that everyone touches with dirty hands.

There are a lot of people who think germs hide in soap. I'd like to see good hard evidence for and against, if they do or do not. I'll hang out in thread for a bit :)
Well put it this way... where theres water.. there's a possiblity of bacteria.. just like a sponge.. sponges hold water and also hold a CRAP load of bacteria unless washed in bleach and hot water then dried instantly.. lol
Yes, that was what I was thinking. I mean why do we even go wash our hand? Because they are dirty and they contain bacteria, right? So when we hold the soap we are already contaminated. And applying soap on our hand doesn't get rid of bacteria and dirt, we have to rub our hands for half a minute and wash it. So, even if soap bar do contain more bacteria, so what? It would be a problem, if we only touched it and turned around, right?
my sister is a nail tech and in that school they teach them that bar soaps hold bacteria. that is why when you go to salons they make you wash with liquid soap. i have had other nail techs tell me they don't use bar soap because of this. ,,,but i do have my sis hooked now(she doesn't even want to share with her daughter,not cuz of germs, but the luxury of handmade difference) :twisted:

why not go with seindfields view: soap is self cleaning.... lol, i love that show.

HAHAHAHA That's a good outlook.. yeah you can't wash your feet then hand off the bar of soap.. not only is that unhygenic but it's nasty lmao But just remember there are two type of bacteria first off and secondly when you wash your hands/body the soap works as a lifter to lift germs and bacteria and that's why you rinse to and dry off... i've worked in a hospital before plus the army is HUGE on washing hands and your body.. hygene has to be kept ya know! :wink:
Good question :)
From what I know, soap has two components; one to bind with water (hydropilic) and one to repel water (hydrophobic). Bacteria/grime etc clings to the hydrophilic component, and so are repelled by the other one & go off into your sink :wink:
An ordinary bar of soap does get rid of bacteria, but also has antibacterial properties in itself, as bar soap is actually a salt.
Most antibacterial components in liquid soap only start working to the max after to minutes. Can't imagine your husband washes his hands for that long. :wink:
Bacteria may have become resistant for the added antibacterial stuff anyway.
Keep in mind some bacteria are needed; as bad as it may sound, we have an enormous amount of bacteria colonies living on & in our bodies. The ones that are not harmfull do have functions, like getting rid of the sweat on your skin & protecting you frum truly harmfull bacteria.
So I'd say it's perfectly safe for the hub to use bar soap & maybe even better :wink:

There is also the school of thought that all those anti-bac stuff is actually bad for our health as our immune systems are weaker due not being in contact with everyday bacteria. I think general cleanliness is a great thing, but over cleanliness is bad, and engcourages bacteria to have some resistence, which obviously is not good! I also understand that beautitians needs to have that next level of protection as they deal with many members of the public.
absolutely right :)
Our immune system needs to have to do something, in order stay strong and not to turn on intself.
It is my understanding that the synthetic antibacterial soaps are what cause germs to get immune ...... they can adapt to those but not the natural antibacterials from herbs.

Antibacterial cleansers = Nothing more than a marketing gimmick that has convinced people that they will drop dead if everything they come in contact with isn't thoroughly disinfected. In reality, they are unnecessary, and they kill off the good bacteria as well as the bad, creating strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, not to mention putting our immune systems at a disadvantage -- we can't become strong against bacteria that we aren't exposed to, babies especially. Remember, the world of bacteria is an ecosystem just like any other on the planet. Take away too much of one and another can overpopulate, causing all kinds of problems.

People who are worried about bacteria on soap should think about other things they touch and handle on a daily basis. Money, computer keyboards, door handles, pets, etc. Think about the bed you sleep in, the pillow you put your face on, the sofa you sit on, the food you eat.

I guarantee that the man who is worried about bacteria on soap thinks nothing of using his toothbrush without disinfecting it first. And that goes into his mouth!

I don't mean to sound harsh, but many people really need a more realistic perspective on the bacteria issue. There is no evidence or indication that people who use bar soap are less healthy than those who use "cleaner" cleansers.
vivcarm said:
There is also the school of thought that all those anti-bac stuff is actually bad for our health as our immune systems are weaker due not being in contact with everyday bacteria. I think general cleanliness is a great thing, but over cleanliness is bad, and engcourages bacteria to have some resistence, which obviously is not good!
I couldn't agree more. It's just my opinion, but I think we've become so germophobic that we're actually doing ourselves and our immune systems more harm.
LJA said:
vivcarm said:
There is also the school of thought that all those anti-bac stuff is actually bad for our health as our immune systems are weaker due not being in contact with everyday bacteria. I think general cleanliness is a great thing, but over cleanliness is bad, and engcourages bacteria to have some resistence, which obviously is not good!
I couldn't agree more. It's just my opinion, but I think we've become so germophobic that we're actually doing ourselves and our immune systems more harm.

My school of thought too. Our bodies are equipped with germ fighters why not use them.
The one that really gets me is the kitchen counter wipes , so you wipe your counter with one of these things .Then you put bread on it to make a sandwich, what will you be eating along with your bread. ICK!!
I have made a very interesting observation, I use my handmade soap , most everyone I know uses the germ killer crap .I don't get colds or the flu , they do.
I rinse the soap under the tap for a second when I am done and put it on the soap dish .

:lol: yeah, those counter wipes is what make mee get the creeps. Especially when used in toilets and hung up to dry :? I always use the paper towels, and oldfashionadly cook all those dirty counter wipes.

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