Different ways to use honey

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Moody Glenn

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
Northern Ohio USA
Hi everyone! While surfing the news sites I came across this interesting article from the Huffington Post titled "9 Super Sweet Facts About Honey." Here is the link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/23/honey-beauty-benefits_n_3632990.html

Any truth to these various ways honey can help in beauty applications? I am totally clueless but some of you may find them worth further investigating especially if you make your own products.
I would do a lot more research. Huffington Post depends on the contributions of many people, so it may not be completely reliable.
I don't know about all those things - ever tried to get honey off your face? Not all that much fun, IMO :) I use it on cuts and scrapes; seems to help heal them faster.
I love using honey on my face. Use some warm water or steam to open up your pores first, and the honey will pull out the gunk from your pores. I just tap my fingers in it once it's on my face and it's nice.

Now, I just recently tried making a body butter with honey. I found a recipe that sounded quite nice and had pretty good reviews, so I gave it a try. It's sticky. Not just kind of sweet, sticky. But it doesn't soak into your skin and crap sticks to it and you have to wash it off. It conditions really well, but you have to wash it off, it won't go away on its own.

Not sure about any of the others.

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