Coconut milk?

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health food store is where I get mine, I was having trouble finding it when I needed it, so I bought some coconut milk powder and I use that too.
I use Golden Star brand which is also 100% coconut milk with no additives. Luckily they stock it at the store just one block away.
I have found coconut milk at the dollar stores. They are usually 25-30% cheaper, I make sure there are no major dents and I check the expiration date. I usually skim the top for the coconut cream. And use the rest as the liquid, I stir the cream in at trace.

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I had found the Golden Star, I think at a Walmart, but now the local one carries a different brand and it has additives. I may have to try the health food store, there is 1 small one here. I have seen YouTube for making your own, it didn't look easy. I don't think I have ever seen a fresh coconut sold in our local grocery store, would need to check out Walmart or the Kroger store. How do you make it? I want it for whipped topping as well as for a soap ingredient.
I had found the Golden Star, I think at a Walmart, but now the local one carries a different brand and it has additives. I may have to try the health food store, there is 1 small one here. I have seen YouTube for making your own, it didn't look easy. I don't think I have ever seen a fresh coconut sold in our local grocery store, would need to check out Walmart or the Kroger store. How do you make it? I want it for whipped topping as well as for a soap ingredient.

You don't need to use fresh coconut to make it ( Thank god! ) All you need is UNSWEETENED coconut shreds. I get mine at whole foods. Add 1 cup coconut to 1 cup of hot water and let sit for 15-20 min. Then you just wiz it through a blender off and on for 5 min. ( Less if you have a vitamix ) Strain through a few pieces of cheesecloth ( make sure to squeeze the liquid out of the shreds ) and voila!
I will have to see if I can get the unsweetened shreds here. Or next time I go to a "city" will have to see what I can find. If it's not at Walmart I put it on a list for a shopping trip to a larger city 90 miles away.

Can you make the whipped coconut cream out of this home made coconut milk - like Cool Whip ?