buttermilk problems

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Active Member
Oct 13, 2009
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I've soaped with buttermilk in the past and most of time it turns yellow on me after lye is added. Yesterday the soap turned orange and now has a pinkish/orange cast. I did not add any coloring, it's a lavender soap and was going to add a purple tint but was afraid due to the wierd coloring. Could it be the buttermilk had more fat in it than norm? I really love the buttermilk and what it does for the skin but would love a more white soap. My other ingredients are shea butter 10%, olive oil 25%, avocado oil 15%, coconut oil 20%, pk oil 20%, lard 10%
Whenever I use goatsmilk, I freeze it in a ziplock bag. Use a large enough bag so it flattens out & the milk is a pretty thin layer. Mix the lye + water. Cool to room temp.

Prepare an ice bath in the kitchen sink or a large bowl. With the lye container in the bath, break the frozen milk into large pieces and add it slowly. It will thicken, I think because the lye is saponifying the fats in the milk. It should stay a light yellow. Whenever I have followed this method, I get a nice ivory colored soap.

I haven't tried buttermilk yet, but this method may work. Let us know if you try it.

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