Black charcoal soap w/Ione swirl

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Feb 11, 2008
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Right here, silly!
I had too much stuff going on to be able to enter the SMF March Black Background Challenge, but I was finally able to make a batch yesterday (swirled Ione-style). I used WSP's Nag Champa FO to scent it, and it behaved beautifully...... and it smells soooo gooood! I've never soaped Nag Champa before, and didn't really know for sure what it smelled like either until I bought a bottle of the FO, but one sniff from the bottle seemed to scream black background soap with colorful Ione swirls to me. This is going to a dear friend who put in a request for some Nag Champa soap from me.

I was very apprehensive about making this soap, because I've never done swirls in a charcoal soap before, and I didn't know if the colors would be bright enough show up very well. I cannot begin to tell you how happy and relieved I was when I cut the first few bars and saw what awaited me inside. :)


IrishLass :)
E.G. nailed the right descriptive word, shimmery. Beautiful swirls, and one of my favorite fragrances, a perfect combo. And what kind of bevel is that? It looks like some kind of double bevel. Nice job of beveling, however you did it. :thumbup:
Those are beautiful, I love the finish and the dreamy swirls!

This is another one of those moments where I wish scent could travel virtually..
Thank you so much everyone! My only apprehension now is discovering whether or not I used too much of the micas and will end up with shimmery lather! lol

E.G. nailed the right descriptive word, shimmery. Beautiful swirls, and one of my favorite fragrances, a perfect combo.

When I was searching the forum for good Nag Champa recommendations, it was actually your posts on the subject that that sealed the deal for me to go with WSP's version, so a thank you is in order- thank you!!! Now I have a new FO to love.

And what kind of bevel is that? It looks like some kind of double bevel. Nice job of beveling, however you did it.

I use a woodworking tool to make my bevels- specifically a Japanese 1/8" & 1/4" radius planer made by Kakuri. I bought it from LotionCrafters years ago. They had billed it as the "Best Ever Soap Beveller". They don't sell it anymore, but here's their description of it from the Wayback Machine:

Good news, though- although LotionCrafter doesn't sell them anymore, you can buy them either from LeeValleyTools or from JapanWoodworker .

It's pricy, but it is built to last. I've had mine for at least 7 years, and as you can see from my pics below, which I took last year to help out a fellow forum member who needed a visual of how I get my bevels, it is still in pristine condition after having beveled though hundreds of batches (white oak is pretty awesome). JapanWoodworker sells replacement blades for it, but I'm still using the original blade that came with mine- no dulling at all yet:

Here's my radius plane/beveller from different angles:


And here's how I use it: I set the edges of my soap in the groove/guide and just slide it along through the slicing blade. For what it's worth, the soap in the pic that I am beveling was an extremely hard, 5 year old-or so soap and took a little muscle to get 'er done compared to a much newer soap, but the results are still gorgeous:

And here's what I end up with:
So lovely. So classy. I pray my soaps can look so artistic......someday lol. Thanks so much for sharing IL
I use a woodworking tool to make my bevels- specifically a Japanese 1/8" & 1/4" radius planer made by Kakuri. I bought it from LotionCrafters years ago. They had billed it as the "Best Ever Soap Beveller". They don't sell it anymore, but here's their description of it from the Wayback Machine: QUOTE

Ahh...good tools make all the difference, don't they? And thanks for the close up pics of the bevels, I can see them so much better now. I've never seen a bevel like that on soap, it's really a thing of beauty. I bet that the woodworkers who use that tool would be proud to see how you've used it on your soap. And I'm glad that you've discovered and have come to love Nag Champa. After trying others, WSP's is definitely the best, even if they have raised the price horribly. Theirs is still worth it.