Beer soap question

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
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"Why beer soap? Beer soap is not only an entertaining novelty! Beer contains barley, wheat, rye and oats which add protein and skin softening amino acids to our soap. The malting process of beer provides complex sugars that contribute to a fluffy soothing lather!

Hops contain natural antioxidants, anti-microbials, anti-bacterial components as well as have a relaxing affect. Hops are traditionally used in herbal remedies.

Our beer soap makes an excellent shampoo bar!"

Okay, that sounds good. But does the lye kill most of these things during the soap making process? Or can we really know for sure...
Good question! How can we know unless a lab tests it? ($$$). Plus, do you have to label the soap with a warning for celiacs? I know anyone who has celiac shouldn't be buying a beer soap, but you know how people are and who would get the blame! Celiacs usuallly aren't concerned with soap being gluten-free; it'd be easy to miss, especially if they encountered the soap in the bathroom and didn't know what was in it.

Isn't it true that if you make claims like that, your soap falls under FDA regulations? Those of you who make other bath products probably already deal with regulations, but for just thanks. Which in my mind for people like me who just make soap, brings it to a novelty item. (And I think I'd use gluten-free beer!). Just my never-will-be-HO. :wink:
I can confirm that this celiac won't touch beer soap - some friends want me to make it and i'm seriously debating it, but if I do i'll be handling it with gloves- I can't afford the rashes.
Ahhhhh...interesting. So i guess you would want on the label..."does contain gluten".

Just like any other ingredient...shea butter, almond oil...etc. that someone could be allergic to.

I wouldn't put that on the label - just list your ingredients completely and in a readable font.
agriffin said:
Beer contains barley, wheat, rye and oats which add protein and skin softening amino acids to our soap.

Just a thought, you might be able to find a beer that does not contain wheat. For example, Budweiser does not contain wheat. Though Barley and Rice may contain gluten - I have no clue. HTH!
Barley and barley malt are evil glutinous products. Rice however, is lovely and safe.


and from a celiac standpoint: if its beer soap that's plenty of warning to me. Might not be for people buying /for/ celiac's, but not all celiac's stay away from glutinous body products either- some react and some don't. I unfortunately, do. So no, i wouldn't be too worried about the warning label.
They do have gluten-free beer, though...just ask my college-age niece! :lol: Using that would solve everything, wouldn't it? Celiacs can choose to just stay away from it, but should anyone accidently encounter it, it wouldn't hurt them anyway. I'll have to ask my niece what beer she likes and make her a batch! You all have me so intrigued!
Intellectually...I know there is GF beer. And its probably good.

But its like GF bread...I see it and I"ve always got this remaining niggling doubt..'will it hurt me'?

And regardless of what the brain says, the subconcious screams NO! at me. So I never pick it up. Wimp huh?
Deb, I understand how you feel. My niece is REALLY in trouble if she gets any gluten at all. She's "field tested" the gluten-free beer, believe me! A few months ago she was accidently served a flour tortilla when she had very specifically told them she was celiac and needed 100% corn (and was told it was no problem). It was covered in sauce and she had taken a bite before she realized they'd made the mistake. One bite was all it took for 3 days of misery for her.
ok... I am from Bavaria - beer made from anything other than Barely seems wrong to me, apart from Wheat Beer (must be even more evil to Celiacs).

But I never knew that beer soap would be an issue to them, and will make sure I remember it. I am assuming a Celiac would not buy beer soap, but people may buy it as a gift. I always assumed it had to do with Gluten being eaten, never knew that it would cause a problem when used on the skin.

How do you cope with all the shampoos that have hydrolized wheat protein in them ? There seem to be more and more of them ?
Yes, it's difficult having Celiac. Like anything else, there's a spectrum. My niece can tolerate most external exposures, but unfortunately it's a trial and error type thing for the poor kid. She faces some danger from people around her that don't understand her condition and accidently expose her to gluten in some form. Has to be constantly diligent.