anyone make glycerin?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
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I sold at a craft show this weekend and a lady had glycerin soap, I asked about it, whats in it, how is it made, she looked at me and said look it up on the internet! I said im not going to make it, as you can see I make my own cp. Well, after "looking it up"! I found glycerin soap is kinda difficult to make and most people do melt and pour, so thats maybe why she wouldnt tell me whats in it, cause she didnt know? not very good sales technique for her not knowing about her product.
I've made clear cp before, but not the kind that you can remelt over and over again like melt and pour.
It could be that she didn't know what's in it or she was afraid that since you do CP that you were going to look down on her for doing MP. It's a very common fear in the MP maker world.
I really dislike though when MP soapers refer to their soap as glycerin soap. CP has glycerin in it as well, but never hear anyone refer to it as glycerin soap. Just a strange pet peeve of mine. :lol:
I agree, but even if it is mp she should know what oils are in it, people will ask. How do you do the clear cp, with the 90proof alcohol? was it a pain in the as-
Someone put this link in a post a while back. I made this soap, it was not clear, but it is definitely a melt & pour base.

[ame=""] ... e=g-user-c[/ame]
Yep I used 90 proof & just wasn't a big fan of the feel of it when it was done. So after that batch, I haven't tried making it since. Maybe one of these days when I have nothing to do, I might try the M & P recipe that lsg posted.
I think her response was a bit rude but I think Genny is probably correct that she felt you'd look down on her for doing MP. What was her soap like? Visually appealing? Creative? Was her display attractive? Did she just throw plastic wrapped lumps onto a table with a hand written sign "All Natural Glycerin Soap"? :lol:
Hazel said:
Did she just throw plastic wrapped lumps onto a table with a hand written sign "All Natural Glycerin Soap"? :lol:

I once saw someone do this years ago at a market, except they were unwrapped blocks and she just cut them as people orderd. She didn't wrap them when she gave them to the customer either. She just handed it right to them :?
Eeeww! Normally, I'm not too germaphobic but that's just nasty. Think of all the airborne contaminants getting onto the soap. I know you can rinse it off but I just find the whole concept unhygienic. Did she sell a lot?
Hazel said:
Did she sell a lot?

I don't think so, because when I saw her packing up her stuff at the end, she still had what looked like that same big block on the table. She did have a lot of people come over to her booth, but I think that had more to do with her having her helper grab them as they walked past and pretty much dragging them to the table to slap some type of balm on their hand.
Genny said:
but I think that had more to do with her having her helper grab them as they walked past and pretty much dragging them to the table to slap some type of balm on their hand.

Another ick factor. :roll:

I'd be very put off by someone doing that to me.
Hazel said:
Genny said:
but I think that had more to do with her having her helper grab them as they walked past and pretty much dragging them to the table to slap some type of balm on their hand.

Another ick factor. :roll:

I'd be very put off by someone doing that to me.

I can't stand when people do that to me. I would not buy anything from them if they did that either.
honor435 said:
I sold at a craft show this weekend and a lady had glycerin soap, I asked about it, whats in it, how is it made, she looked at me and said look it up on the internet! I said im not going to make it, as you can see I make my own cp. Well, after "looking it up"! I found glycerin soap is kinda difficult to make and most people do melt and pour, so thats maybe why she wouldnt tell me whats in it, cause she didnt know? not very good sales technique for her not knowing about her product.

Rude much? Yikes, what a bee with an itch! She either does not know or is embarrassed, but she was clearly intimidated. Not a good sales technique either way! I love talking about what I do, just give me an excuse to discuss it with you... To my way of thinking she is neither proud nor happy with it, perhaps her soaps aren't much to be proud of!
Whatever the reason was, that kind of response is bad for business. Even soapmakers will buy from other soapmakers if they are intrigued by the product and impressed by the maker's presentation and knowlege.
Genny said:
I've made clear cp before, but not the kind that you can remelt over and over again like melt and pour.
It could be that she didn't know what's in it or she was afraid that since you do CP that you were going to look down on her for doing MP. It's a very common fear in the MP maker world.
I really dislike though when MP soapers refer to their soap as glycerin soap. CP has glycerin in it as well, but never hear anyone refer to it as glycerin soap. Just a strange pet peeve of mine. :lol:

I always thought clear/transparent soap was produced HP way. A couple of months ago I was gifted a very clear soap with embeds which looked to me like melt and pour but had the label 100% CP Soap. I called their customer care to ask them the details but she replied they could not give out even the names of base oils(was not in their label). Finally when she was convinced I was allergic to Soy, she asked me to call back after sometime, when I did, she told it contained coconut palm and castor oils as base. I asked her if the soap was CP, she said yes and hung up. If it is possible to CP transparent soap, could I have the method of CP clear soap please.
sabon said:
I always thought clear/transparent soap was produced HP way. A couple of months ago I was gifted a very clear soap with embeds which looked to me like melt and pour but had the label 100% CP Soap. I called their customer care to ask them the details but she replied they could not give out even the names of base oils(was not in their label). Finally when she was convinced I was allergic to Soy, she asked me to call back after sometime, when I did, she told it contained coconut palm and castor oils as base. I asked her if the soap was CP, she said yes and hung up. If it is possible to CP transparent soap, could I have the method of CP clear soap please.

I'm not an expert but from what I know of transparent soap, it can only be done HP. But to many people HP is a form of CP, so technically they're correct.

Here's some info on making transparent soap ... etics.html
I'm not an expert but from what I know of transparent soap, it can only be done HP. But to many people HP is a form of CP, so technically they're correct.

Oh ok. Thankyou Genny for your quick reply :)
Her soaps were in cellophane bags with a twist tie, nothing too cute., there were some dif colored clear and many dif scents.
When she looked at mine and the ingredients listed, she asked if I made them by hand(duh), I said yes. I dont think i would have looked down on her for m&p, just wanted to know what oils were in it, cant believe no one ever asked? Is she snotty to all the askers?
honor435 said:
Is she snotty to all the askers?

I would hope not since she'd never build a business this way.

Apologies to Genny - I just noticed I posted a couple of the same links you did. That's what I get for speed reading. :oops:

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