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Soapmaking Forum

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Jul 24, 2014
Reaction score
Encinitas, CA
Hello, all! I am not really new (at 60 am feeling pretty old-ish!) but have been gone for 7+ years so I thought I would re-introduce myself. I posted here with some regularity in my previous SMF incarnation, then stopped soaping because I was out of the country for seven years (sick father, then COVID). Returned to the US a year ago but held off soaping because of wonky hands and fear of lye, then gave in to the itch a month ago. It is worse than ever, now the addiction is back, but I have forgotten most of what I learned, and there is so much new stuff to work through! But I am really enjoying the process.

Good to see some old names and encounter some impressive and likable new ones. Apologies in advance for what will doubtless be many irritating newbie-redux questions 😊
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Wow, hi stranger, it is good to see you back. I have thought about you many times over the years and wondered what happened to you. I would think about you every time I used Sandalwood from the company in LA. Offhand I forget their name since I quit soaping during COVID and lost my markets. It was one you had tested and liked.
Thank you guys, so nice to be remembered! Carolyn, I can't believe you are no longer working the markets, you did it longer and more successfully than most anyone. So glad you are still posting here and sharing all that experience. LSG, you are one of the folks I was happy to see is still around! You too, Dibbles! I remember us being more or less contemporaries, and your soaps are so amazing, you have definitely put those years to great use. In the last month of perusing the forums to catch up I have come across your soaps and been so impressed (the ombres are just a triumph of simplicity, elegance and craftsmanship.) I've missed you too, my friend.