Acne soap with black chokeberry... help needed

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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
Victoria, Canada
I've never made an acne bar before but our friends (the ones that gave me the mint) just stopped by with black chokeberries that are a natural ance remedy.
I need help making a recipe. I have NO idea how to incorporate the berries, or what to put with them. ><

Would I have to do Hot process? Does anyone make an acne bar that could share a few tips with me for making a recipe?
Please and thanks...

Oh, he also brought me citranella geranium, rosemarry and lavender, peppermint and spearmint... all locally grown!
I'd juice those chokecherries and make a beautiful jelly!! To heck with the soap. :wink:

I honestly wish I knew what to tell you here, but I will follow. What a great friend you have to bring you all those yummy & beneficial goodies.
I'd mash them up with your stickblender and use them as half of your liquid. Frozen buttermilk might be really nice for the other half; gives the soap a really slick and creamy feeling...

For my favorite acne soap I use 25% coconut, 5% castor & 70% olive oil (gentle but cleansing enough for mixed or oily skin), some mashed carrots & tomato puree and a combo of lavender & tea tree EO.
Don't chokeberries stain really bad? I've never used a berry in soap so I don't if saponification takes out the "stainability"
dagmar88 said:
I'd mash them up with your stickblender and use them as half of your liquid. Frozen buttermilk might be really nice for the other half; gives the soap a really slick and creamy feeling...

For my favorite acne soap I use 25% coconut, 5% castor & 70% olive oil (gentle but cleansing enough for mixed or oily skin), some mashed carrots & tomato puree and a combo of lavender & tea tree EO.

Could I use my bastile (almost the same recipe, I think 20% CO) rebatch, and add the berries?

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