About to make my first batch

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Benjamin Linus

New Member
Dec 24, 2010
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Hi all.

I'm about to make my first batch of soap. I have a couple of quick questions. Hope you can bare with me. Here goes:

1. I bought Meijer Brand Vegetable Shortening. Is it ok to use? I thought it was the same thing as lard, guess not. The ingredients are as follows; "Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oil with Mono- and Diglycerides". It's the Hydrogenated and other "big words" that have me wondering.

2. I'm planning on using 2-3" PVC for the mold. Should I use wax paper to line it, or could I get away with coating the inside with some veg oil?

For this batch I'm going to use Olive Oil 40%, Shortening (if it's the right kind)20%, and Coconut Oil 40%. No FO or EO or colorant on this one. I want to get a feel for a 'plain' soap before I add colors and scents so I can properly gauge how those things change the final product.

To question 1 - that sounds like crisco. yes, you can use it, but I quit using it because I was getting dos from it.. Like you, I just bought it to practice with.

Questoim 2 - I've never used pvc, but it can be done. Parchment paper (waxed butcher sheets)seems better, regular wax paper is too wimpy. I've read readers who had to let soap sit for two-three weeks sometimes to get it out. Regular oil won't work to line it, it will just blend itself into the soap. Mineral oil doesn't saponify, and is good for lining, just don't use to much or you will see pockets on the sides from any mineral oil droplets on the mold walls.

I would suggest that you go ahead and make it, just don't superfat too high... but coconut is very cleansing, and at 40% you would want to superfat more... If you are making a practice batch to get the feel of soap and only use these oils, I suggest 40%olive, 30% Coconut, 30% Shortening.. Do you have castor or cocoa butter? If so, only use 20% shortening and add 5% each of the others... Both of those can be found at cvs/walmart. The castor is in the health section with other laxatives. cocoa butter is sold in the lotion aisle in a one ounce push up tube.

hope that helps. have fun :)
The SAP for crisco is not the same as lard, so don't forget to recalculate your recipe. For a PVC mold, don't use vegetable oil as it will saponify with the rest of the soap. You can line it with wax paper or a trash bag.
Thanks for the input folks. Will adjust and follow the advice. I'll follow up with the results and pics.
Try oiling the mold with Mineral Oil as it won't saponify and will release your soap easier..... good luck and looking forward to pictures...
veg shortening will work but not same as lard. I dont but I know many people do use PVC as mold with sucess. Good luck and let us know how it turns out. Always run recipe through calc before making it so to make sure not lye heavy.

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