2 questions about rebatching

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Is rebatching "base" just regular cold process soap?

Also, would you recommending selling a line of ONLY rebatched soap (versus cold process)? I ask because I can't actually handle lye in my living situation, but can handle rebatching.

Hi candice19 --
Yes, rebatching base is cold process soap.

As for selling only rebatched or hand-milled soap, it would probably work. Hand milling/rebatching is a labor intensive process, but useful because you can use additional fragrances/colors/and oils that will not be affected by the lye in the sapoification process. I have handmilled/rebatched many times, and I do it when I have to :wink: but prefer not to. Also, the cure process is lengthened with the additional oils and water. Having said that, the handmilled soaps I have made have been nice soaps -- a bit rustic in appearance, but nice to use.
Hope that is helpful....Susan
Susan, thanks for the help!

With that information, I have new questions lol

Can I call rebatch soap "cold process soap" or is it "rebatch soap" or something else?

Would I have to wait for the cold process soap to cure for X weeks before I can use it?
Would I have to wait another X weeks for the rebatch to cure as well (because I thought it was somewhere between days to one week)?

Thank you!
Why don't you call it "hand milled soap"? It seems like I can use rebatched soap quicker than CP soap. Blanking out at the moment.
Didn't occur to me to call it that lol

I'm just not sure how rebatching will change the CP soap - properties of the soap, how fast it "melts," etc. Does it?
Rebatched, also called hand-milled soap is cold process soap. If you are buying rebatch base, it is already cured. So you would just add whatever additives you want to it. When I have rebatched, there was a 'cure' time (length of time depends on how much extra liquid and oils you use) but mainly, mine took a couple of weeks to harden. There is a wonerful book by Marie Browning called "Beautiful Handmade Natural Soaps" that is a wonderful guide to rebatching/hand milling with some nice recipe ideas.

There are also some good online tutorials about rebatching. This is a good one http://soap-queen.blogspot.com/2009/02/rebatch-soap-plastic-baggie-technique.html and Millers Soap had a good one too. If you google rebatching soap you will find tons of info...

ps, and I would call it hand milled also :wink:
Thanks so much for the link! I also stumbled upon a video about rebatching that was actually really helpful. I'm just am not sure if I'm ready to wait so long for a cure! lol

Do you think that rebatching a CP soap will change it's qualities at all?