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  1. S

    Happy :)

    You know when you finally get to test the soap that smells so nice and looks so good and the lather is so wonderful and creamy and it all just works. Well today I got that wonderful experience. It made me so happy. I guess that is why I make soap. Hope you all get to experience this also.
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    do you make scents that you really cant stand?

    I am so glad to see that one other hated BAY RUM. Yuck! That one is one I may never be able to soap with again and my hubby can't use it either. I do like straight up lavender, but I think the idea of lavender and vanilla sounds wonderful.
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    ROFLOL Uglyiest Rebatch ever!

    thats what baby robots do! :)
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    Question about Cocoa Butter

    I was wondering this same thing. I use it in lotion bars and I can smell it in those. But I guess it would be pretty much like anything that is mixed with lye.
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    Really excited

    That is very exciting. I wish you the best of luck and a very good time :)
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    Hard Bar Recipe

    That is soooo true. My hubby can eak out a week with one of my bars of soap. He is a harry man beast :)
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    My soap keeps foaming up!

    I am still learning but I think you may be working too hot. The two times I had this happen my oil and lye were over 130 degrees F. One of those times I think the mold I was using kept it too hot so it “boiled” over the mold. I hope this helps you some. Good luck.
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    The scent game

    I love this idea. When I was in college my roommate and I would do this with dinner ideas.
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    I think I have a problem

    Yes a very big problem. Wow and I agree you have a very understanding neighbor. My neighbor probably would have grabbed me by my ear and threw me out. :lol:
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    What are these white dots? (Not lye)

    okay so I can agree with the cutting remark, but how does cutting cause that?
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    Can I use a cardboard milk container??

    I use quart containers frequently. I never reuse them and once in a while I will use baby oil on them. They do bulge a little but still no big problems.
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    Question about labels

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    Question about labels

    I hope this is the right place for this question. If it isn't sorry. When labeling soap do you put the weight of the bar on the label?
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    How do you set your own wage?

    Great Advice Tibitha. Thank you for sharing with us all.
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    Waste water for my garden!

    WOW! great job for all of you. I think I will try to be more aware of my waste water. Thanks. Water is one area that my family is really wasteful of.
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    so sad...the gremlins visited

    Sorry. I hope that it still turns out for you. The smell sound lovely.
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    Cute Cigar bands?

    Thanks Amanda!!! I have been working on some labels and man is that time consuming. THANK YOU!!! These look great.
  18. S

    Swirl ? and top of soap ?

    So I have a question about Lynn Tops. I tried them a couple of times and loved the way they look but my mom HATES how they feel in the shower. She finds them to rough and hard to handle. Has anybody else had this compliant?
  19. S

    I cought my husband...

    "Are you kidding? My DH went out of town for work a couple of weeks ago (I asked him about taking soap before he left, he told me he had some). He called me about 5 days into his trip and was put out because he had to use the "crappy chalky hotel soap". I told him, next time I ask you if you...
  20. S

    I cought my husband...

    My hubby is a very good sport about the soap and he said that the Dove is not as nice as mine so I think he may have learned his lesson. I have also learned mine. Get rid of store soap!!!!!